The Rude Odds Against South Sudan – Referendum For Secession

By Gabriel Makuei Tor

The Deadly Silence of Our Friend – is not a good Sign.

August 28, 2010 (SSNA) — When the ruthless Khartoum regime locked down the South Sudan, Abyei, Blue Nile and Nuba mountains (South Kordufan) – besides; are Eastern Sudan and the Darfur today, against modernization, education, justice, freedom and Sudanese’s wealth and power sharing, during the last fifty years in Sudanese story – where were they, who are struggling to pollute, to abort the Sudanese agreement for the lasting peace – for their own gains? They speak against Separation in Support of the Sudanese empty Unity, while they did not speak when millions were murdered and leaders assassinated by the government of the same… – tell me the difference. And where were you by then!?

The Russian envoy to Sudan – Mikhail Margelov’s remark on MENA’s press in Cairo, Egypt, after Arab league’s meeting about Sudan’s unity or disintegration about Southern Sudan Referendum for Secession, or unity, is disgraceful before the World’s peace loving communities. Margelov said, and quoted by and I paraphrase; South Sudan’s call for her independence is another Somalization. Sudan alone, without all these dirty fabrications is a Somali of its own. Evident are the 7 years old war in Darfur – Western part of Sudan, the current and previous wars by the Sudanese government against the Great Regions of the Country mentioned in the first paragraph above. Don’t wait for another Somalization – Sudan has ranks #3 out of 177 Countries – 2010 failed States index shows.

This careless remark, prove my statement: which I said earlier this year – “Is South Sudan, part of Arab World political prostitution!?” (An Article Title). Why such a statement does come from An Arab league gathering? What were they thinking’????????????????

Southern Sudan weighed war against Khartoum – North Sudan domination and oppression, for more than half a century. No matter what you say! The call and match for Southern Sudanese Secession – are on. Victory is imminent for a new Country – despite the hurdles – we will cross the bridge, to the stepping ground. The Margelov – is the same guy who said earlier, calling Sudanese Election -“it’s African Standard”, in support of El Bashir – returning to power, after Sudanese April, 2010 – presidential election, when Omer El Bashir won election by 68% through fraudulent formulas. He is the same guy, whose his Country of Russia has been supplying Khartoum with military apparatus to crash SPLM/SPLA during the last 3 decades in 3 years time to come. And again today, Russians citizens are roaming in the Southern Sudanese territories, distributing arms to Southern Sudanese enemies and airlifting the alleged killers of Sudanese people in Darfur and Southern Sudan regions – using white painted helicopters, to do their illegal and rampage business of killing and dividing the Country of Sudan. The recently impounded helicopter by SPLA and other forces concern; has 3 Russian Crews on.

Do Russians think – Sudan is their market of selling arms to!? They can do their business without being Rude and Violent to Southern Sudan. Blood and money thirsty; is Russia – Southern Sudanese have learnt.

The Southern Sudanese have been looking for a place they could call their home Country, after Sudan government denied them the right of citizenship, recognition of brotherhood, freedom, justice for equality of all Sudanese in respect to their differences and wealth sharing. The Search is on and the reason is Referendum for Secession of South Sudan as an independent Country – according to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed almost six years, between National Congress Party/National Islamic Front (NCP/NIF) – in Northern Sudan and Sudan People Liberation Movement/Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLM/SPLA) – in Southern Sudan, her allies and vicinities. When Southern Sudanese call Referendum – “Final Walk to freedom,” they mean it. Be informed, they will pay the cost for their successful and dignified arrival to freedom.

The SPLM need government of integrity, justice and frugality. The government in Juba will bring that government in place with Oyeeee! The patriots of the Land have refused to pay Khartoum honor on their glorious cost. Referendum must be done! Khartoum must go and Omar El Bashir must go to Hague Court with his advisors, or get caught like Saddam Hussein, in the rat hole. The Sudanese disintegration today, is Sudanese integration for tomorrow. Dress South Referendum; respectfully and successfully and you dressed all the Sudanese oppressed/issues. A one stone that kill them all – is Referendum.

All the Peace Loving governments around the world must denounce Khartoum’s intruding behaviors and be ready to endorse the South as an independent Country, on January 9th, 2011.

The Sudanese neighbors and African Continent at large should do their best of well wishes.

Speaking up is a must in the first place: why do those who can speak constructively allow those who speak destructively to reign. Please! They have tried their best of the Sudanese Unity before, but it was hell; let them try Separation for a lasting peace and love. We have been there.

The Author is reachable at: [email protected]

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Too Many Panoramas Surrounding the South Sudan Referendum

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