By: Daniel A. Daniel (USA)
December 20, 2011 (SSNA) — Brothers and sisters in Christ, I am happy that the Christian community in our country is celebrating this year, just like others Christian in the whole part of the world. The birth day of our Lord Jesus Christ, the prince of peace who was crucified so that we the mankind shall have eternal life.
In this great holly occasion allow me to seize this golden opportunity to convey my warmest and heartfelt Christmas greetings to the tolerant South Sudanese people in general and Christian in particular, also, to brothers and sisters around the globe, in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, and Middle East;
Merry Christmas and happy New Year
Its my pleasure, to convey Christmas greetings to the men women and children who are struggling to survive in the remote villages and rural areas of south Sudan, and to the wounded, the sick, the thirsty, and the orphans, and those who wondering helplessly, in the bushes, and forests praying that God give them everlasting glory, happiness, and progress.
Christmas is not only marking the day and exchanging gifts, but above all; is renewing our faith in God and the teaching of Jesus Christ our savior. Under such situation, we must pose to examine our behavior in the context of our religion. Thus, we are celebrating this year after five months was elapsed since the formation of our new born country, for sure, we are keeping our breath on the implementation of remaining protocols of Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). On this juncture, we are looking forwards with hope for more social and economic achievements and realization of peace and stability in our country next year.
Dear compatriots,
Our country is now posed to take gang and bold steps towards consulting democracy, pluralism, and constitutionality. These developments were triggered by the CPA following the promulgation of the permanent constitution of South Sudan. We hope this constitution will enshrine and grantee general freedom and basic rights for the citizens as well granted freedom of political association, above all, it is important to note that; the constitution is one of the fundamental pillar of CPA, which can not amended except in a public referendum.
We expect this development shall attract those who still holding arms to join the peace process. Therefore, I pledge to continuation the initiative efforts to stop the current bloodshed. Again, we shall promote more effort to ensure that all refugee’s, displaced, even, the run away generals to come back home of origin to enable them contributed into the nation building, and join their brothers and sisters to exercise their views in questions of development and infrastructures of our new born nation.
Let us fully commit ourselves to peaceful resolution to the conflict through dialogue, also lets emphasis and curse those war mongers not to exposed the innocent civilian to the horrors of war; such as; hunger, diseases, destructions and lost of properties, in actual fact; the death of many citizens in greater Upper Nile this year, is a living proof of unworthiness of the continuation of war by renegade and former deputy of chief of staff of SPLM, the notorious general George Athur Deng Dut, who perpetuated the unjustified war against the government of South Sudan, with the help of our tradition enemy Jallaba in Khartoum. “God almighty comfort his family, and rest his soul in eternal peace”. The matter of fact, this war is costing a lot of destructions and miserable to our community.
In conclusion, I would like to seize this opportunity to call upon our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora and elsewhere in the globe to get more involved in peace process between our government and run away generals. This is a challenge to our nationalism and a test to our commitment and dedication that we pledged and promises during referendum process.
Once again, Merry Christmas and happy New Year
The author can be reached at [email protected]