April 24, 2013 (SSNA) — The Republic of South Sudan is at a critical juncture in its history. The Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) 2005, and separation 2011 ended with the crises, yet a concentration of wealth and political power in Juba still under Oyee Party,(Elhag Paul), where marginalisation are searching for identity continues to fuel discontent and armed conflict in several regions of South Sudan, All the attempts to resolve current crises regime failed to bring the needed breakthrough. The regime will not bring the on-going conflict to an end and end the suffering of millions of people affected by the conflict.
The CPA which supposed to end-up the war, and allow south Sudanese to determine their future through self-determination referendum, enhance democracy, ensure rule of law, the extension of justice, the guarantee of citizen rights, impartiality and transparency in decision making, integrity in public spending, accountability and the dependence on the standards of efficiency, all that were wash-out unpredictable the Nile River waves. The South Sudan still governing by one political party which curtails non-basic on democratic and human rights.
The political wrangling with regards to the status of the current government is still on-going fighting between themselves and on the other hand with arms groups, the regime should attempt to form a government of national unity of the all major political parties, I am sure most them will not refuse to take part in the government of unity. Or otherwise we leave with a big question over the legitimacy of the government at the time when the country is facing many difficult problems.
The current war in Jonglei and Eastern Equatoria state recently created humanitarian crises due to displacement of thousands and thousands of civilians, with Government of South Sudan, refusing to allow International Humanitarian Organisations to provide the needed assistance with medicines and foods in some areas that might lead to massive scale catastrophe soon. And the killing, non free speech and torturing represented the lowest points between South Sudan and International community relation since independent 20011. However, delaying in resolve the outstanding lands and cattle’s raiding issues after South Sudan separation has serious impact in the relation between the communities.
We know that many of us were belong to the revolutionary generation in South Sudan who fought against the Jallaba regime. But that revolution failed and the power was seized by a group of empty-bellied which they drowned it in blood by policing suppression citizen and prison and torture, killing them. This regime will be pushed back us into a semi slave or East Africa situation. Yes, indeed it is horrific to subject 10 million South Sudanese to such situation, if there no changes our children will grow-up fighting against this authoritarian regime.
Today, some people calling upon to unite with the authoritarian regime in order to resist against the certain community. And there are some people who call to unite with them in order to get rid of this medieval regime. Does any real citizen think this is a choice? I am categorically refusing these choices. They are not choices for accomplishment. They are choices for guaranteeing enslavement of our people for many generations to come. Instead we fight tooth and nail to forge, against this SPLM political orientation to liberate our innocent South Sudanese. And to maintain faith in the basic principles of humanity, peace, human rights, mutual dialogue and tolerance.
A lot of people think opposition cannot do it and instead they should be one who liberating our people from this harmful regime. But I believe opposition is exactly the ones who can do it, deep oppression will turns them into formidable.
We strive to struggle against all forms of our people oppression, both overt and hidden. I personally, do not support the more subtle and softer forms of oppression suffered by our people in the any corner of South Sudan and I see myself side by side with people in the South Sudan against this regime supremacist states dominant in our country.
And then let us all carry the cross as a sign that we are all are of the same nation, nation of forethought for liberation of South Sudanese. To present ourselves to that level it is best to explain our political line in this fight. This is especially important because the government is waging a war against you and your friends, brothers, sisters even your wife and your biological relative. This brutal hatred and want it to be stopped quickly. And you can see nowadays the future election in the South Sudan is strengthening the war moves between president and vice president.
I invite you to join hands so that we can build a beautiful nationalism and not tribalism which is regime is practices it today. Come on South Sudanese Let us hook up together and work to free people of this country for a new nation without exploitation and discrimination and nepotism and class oppression from this regime.
The Author can be reached at [email protected]