By Bol Thon Nyabeb, South Sudan
August 6, 2013 (SSNA) — The politics in the SPLM party that supposes to remains, considers as party’s day-to-day matter is now escalating. Presidential Decrees (Orders) have been issuing, more and even fatal ones are also expecting any time soon in the near future.
President Kiir has so far made his point very clear about as to why he removed Dr. Machar Teny, the former admired Vice President; from his position in the Presidency. The following story has a similar interpretation to what had happened in the SPLM and intensifying to the whole nation.
The story was the story of two women who were dwelling in one house and gave birth concurrently to two infants. King Solomon was the Israeli judge by the time and was the judge or leader who settled the case.
One-day, these two women came to King Solomon and stood before him. The first women said: "My lord this women and I reside in the same house, and I gave birth to a child while with her in the house. On the third day I had given birth, she also gave birth. We live together; there is no outsider with us in the house; only the two of us were there. The son of this woman died during the night because she lay upon him. She arose during the night and took my son from my side while I was asleep, lay him in her bosom, and her dead son she lay in my bosom. When I got up in the morning to nurse my son, behold, he was dead! However, I observed him (later on) in the morning; I realized that he was not my son to whom I had given birth".
The second women replied; "It is not so! My son is the living one and your son is the dead one!" The first women responded: "It is not so! Your son is the dead one and my son is the living one!" For several minutes, they argued before the King Solomon and lastly, the King Solomon said; this women (the second women) Claims, "my son is the live one and your son is the dead one!" and this women (the first women) Claims, "Your son is the dead one and my son is the living one.
Bring a sword said: King Solomon! So, they brought a sword before the King. Then, the King said," Cut the living child in two, and give half to one and half to another" The second women turned to the King, because her compassion was aroused for her son, and said: "Please my Lord, give her the living Child and do not kill it!"
But the first women said: Neither mine nor yours shall he be, cut!" When the King heard this, he realized that the child was the second women’s and said; "Give her (2nd women) the living child, and do not kill it, for she is his mother"! The child gave to the second women.
Compared to the contemporary dogmatic state of affairs in South Sudan, we can up to here study the story and find out who was/is the first and second man. Guess and substitute.
Let us return to the SPLM’s politics, the SPLM had to held its national Convention last May. Before the month of May Dr. Riek who is the Deputy SPLM’s Chairperson announced his intention to stands up for the SPLM’s Chairmanship. When, President Kiir heard this he feared to convene Party Convention in which Dr. Riek has been continually without return declaring his candidature and backed by all Party’s members countrywide.
For such reason, President Salva until anonymous date cancelled the SPLM’s convention. This was the first step, in the Party level. The second step that became also into his cognizance was also to remove all states’ Governors, national ministers and Directors from their positions, who had been suspect to give his/her support to Dr. Machar’s candidature for SPLM top echelon.
That is his (Kiir) deceptive thought, which he thinks as a best way to prevents, defeats, and paralyzed Dr. Riek politically. The later step, was his coming to the national level, which is now been seen as beyond the SPLM compound. However, this step as being thought by many analyses in the end may cause fatal results.
Kiir himself professed to avoids democracy and pursuit’s dictatorship. When he was about to relieve Dr. Machar he deployed forces in and around Juba. This was by itself an obvious sign that Kiir opted for war against Machar and South Sudanese people, so he went to his hide out in that afternoon at Luri- Warrap- military (& cattle) camp, where he spent four days.
He returned, only after when he heard that Dr. Riek made a press conference, announced that he accepted his removal from the Presidency. Dr. Riek and Salva have had in 2010 general elections agreed as running mates, so all South Sudanese people regardless of UDSF, SSDF UDF, SPLM and others elected them into the Presidency.
They were not only the SPLM’s members who elected them (Salva & Riek) into Presidency, which means the Presidency belong to all South Sudanese. Even if it has to be SPLM, Dr. Riek is most popular, has a great popularity than Mr. Kiir. What could bring the party issues to the Presidency?
In retrospect in 2010, during elections Dr. Riek as running mate of Mr. Salva was the only person who was introducing Gen. Salva to many states and counties people. Because, Kiir since the signing of the CPA in 2005, never visited many states; not to mention counties, but Machar is familiar to all these (states & counties) people.
In the press conference, Dr. Machar addressed and told the country (his supporters) not to go to war, saying, "The SPLM internal issues should not be escalates to all country with intention to cause violent so that state of emergency could be declared". Therefore, he (Machar) called upon citizens to remain calm, live peacefully as usual.
This is where the public became to know that Dr. Riek is for general peace of this country, unlike his chair. On the Martyrs’ day, Tuesday, July 30, 2013, Gen. Kiir made it Crystal clear that he relieved Dr. Machar from Vice Presidency, because he wants to stands against him in the SPLM Convention as a Chairman.
He also declares that the current SPLM’s leadership is for live, so any person/persons who want(s) to challenge me should form his/her own party. Saying that the convention should happen if and only if those who want to stand against me have abandoned their ambitions or candidature’s for the SPLM leadership, which will also be a party ticket in 2015 Presidential Elections.
In late 2004 vividly, when we were about to signed CPA there occurred disagreement between the Late Garang and Kiir himself, as result Kiir decided to fight Garang; despite the fate of Southern Sudan. However, Dr. Riek intervened and solved the standoff status quo on the ground that the two should consider the destiny of the whole nation rather than short interests.
Again, this year we are witnessing an akin set-up. Dictatorial Decrees are being issued against democratically and prudently well-placed system. Only to saves that individual (group) interest!
Unequally, when Dr. Riek realized the reason why he was relieved for, from the Vice President and saw the reactionary violence from citizens, he advised against any violent.
Bravo Dr. Machar you have now shown to the people of South Sudan and the world at large that, the democratic spirit you pronounced in 1990s is still in place. In addition, you do not always, likes anything that can engulfs our country into deadly crisis and never put in front your own interest but South Sudan’s interest.
This, in a practical way shows that you are the real father of this nation! The people of South Sudan have been following up the current events that are surrounding the SPLM’s anticipating changes in upcoming convention.
They(S.Sudanese) are acknowledging the great awe for your (Dr. Machar) pro-peaceful co-existence statements you always states since from day one. The wisdom you have within you to do and bring justice, peace, unity, democracy and development to South Sudanese cannot or will never be intimidates by any group or person as you said.
Hence, the solution will come from the citizens of the Republic of South Sudan, not from article one zero one (or any other source).
Historically, you fought for total Separation of this country (Self-Determination) bravely with your head up and brought it to the citizens of South Sudan. Now, all the citizens are respecting you and are with you countrywide, because your deeds manifest that you are indeed a real father and mother of the child "The Republic of South Sudan".
This is the only reason why, you do not like/want to be drag into senseless or disastrous crisis that might seem to take the country into chaos. Lastly, the unity, justice, equality, peace, and democracy that you are running after are the only intentions, which South Sudanese aimed at.
Therefore, the people of this country have given you their hearts so; any obstacle and blockage toward 2015 won’t be forgiven.
Thon Nyabeb is a concerned South Sudanese who lives in Juba. He can be reached at [email protected]