Juba, October 12, 2013 (SSNA) — It is very welcome and good news that the four imprisoned Generals, Gabriel Tanginye, Simon Gatwech, Thomas Mabor and James Gatwech have been ultimately released after years in Prison or duplicated presidential Decree-orders. We could confirmed their final release just yesterday Friday, Oct 11, 2013 three more days in, after the recent Presidential Decree declared on Monday, Oct 7, 2013, where Peter A. Sule was also released.
Therefore, we can take this opportunity to register our appreciations (thanks) to the Government of South Sudan, principally the President Kiir for having released these four Generals and Peter Abdahraman Sule who will un-doubtfully participate in nation-building effectively. Because there should not be a national confidence- building with other being kept aside without participation. In addition, Healing, Peace, and National Reconciliation should n’t either become conscious while there are other notable citizens in the prisons.
With this eventual release of these leaders, we became to know that everything has it end and that there is really a time for all; as stated in the Holy Bible, the past was the time for them to be in prison and now come the time for their release. Moreover, in term of defense, these four generals are always well at defending the national territories morally and successfully.
In fact, Republic of South Sudan needs predominately this time all our participation especially that of political and military leaders in its building. Hence, the Thiang Nuer Youth Association (THINUYA) strongly believes that this eventual release of Peter A. Sule and other four Generals will help very much our nascent nation to progress collectively, politically and militarily.
Lastly, we would like to congratulate their respective immediate families, Bari and Nuer Communities in general for having received in peace their Sons after they have had diligently waited or endured all sorts of grievances imposed on them by the long detention of Peter A. Sule, Gabriel Tanginye, Simon Gatwech, Thomas Mabor and James Gatwech Joak.
We hope this may be the last pardon for them!