Lawyers for Democracy Call on President Kiir and his Vice Wani to respect the Constitution of South Sudan

“The absence of President Kiir and his Vice Wani from the Country creates a Constitutional Vacuum"

For immediate Release

Juba, November 03, 2013 (SSNA) — Article 105 paragraph (a) of the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan 2011, state that; the Vice President act for the President in his absence from the country. President Kiir according to South Sudan Television (SSTV) news said he left Juba yesterday November 2nd 2013 for Nairobi on an official visit for unknown number of days.

Lawyers for Democracy in South Sudan (LDSS) learned today with deep concern that the Vice President James Wani left Juba today November 3rd 2013 to South Africa via Nairobi, this action creates a serious constitutional vacuum in South Sudan. Having the President and his vice out of the country.

LDSS call upon the President and his vice to respect the Transitional Constitution 2011 and the Oath of office they have taken to be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Republic of South Sudan.

The Constitution is silent over the question that who will be responsible for the affairs of the country in the absence of a President and the Vice President, LDSS says.

There is much-talk about who is running South Sudan after Sunday 3rd 2013 when President Kiir and his Vice Wani left the Country.

A constitutional vacuum has been created in the country, the nation wants to know under which constitution the country is being governed,”

Lawyers for Democracy in South Sudan (LDSS)
Juba, Republic of South Sudan
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