South Sudan Law Society Calls for Inclusion of Civil Society in the Discussion of South Sudan’s bid to Join East African Community

South Sudan Law Society (SSLS)
Access to Justice for All
Date: 8th-11-2013
Press Statement for Immediate Release                        

RE: South Sudan Law Society calls for inclusion of Civil Society in the discussion of South Sudan joining East African Community

Juba, November 8, 2013 (SSNA) — In a letter dated 24th of October 2013, H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, the President of South Sudan, instructed Aggrey Tisa Sabuni, the Minister of Finance, Commerce, Investment and Economic Planning to lead the delegation to East Africa Community (EAC) Secretariats. On November 4th and 5th, 2013, a high-level government of South Sudan when to Arusha, Tanzania. The meetings follow the resolutions of EAC’s Council of Ministers passed in August 2013. Resolution EAC/CM 27/Decision 12 approves the process of negotiations with the Republic of South Sudan to join the EAC, and Resolution EAC/CM27/Decision 13 establishes a high-level negotiations team to carry out the negotiations. Not a single representative of civil society was included in the delegation.

The South Sudan Law Society is calling for the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to include the Civil Society Organizations in the Country to be part for the discussion about whether South Sudan should join EAC or not .

The issue of South Sudan becoming part of East African Community needs the participation of Civil Society Organizations and good enlightenment to the people of South Sudan through good approach and dignity.

To give Civil Society more voice in the process, the delegations should include: South Sudan Civil Society Organizations, Faith base Organizations; and Members from different political parties, in addition to governmental representatives.

Members of the Civil Society, political parties should have been the right people to make the sensitizing to the public about the advantages and disadvantages for the Republic of South Sudan joining the East Africa Community not just individuals from the Government.

Key Recommendations

Government of South Sudan should include members from different political parties and Civil Society Organizations in the discussion process, because this is the national issue that needs unanimous agreement and participation from all the different entities in the Country.

Government of South Sudan should reappoint different body that is so inclusive in order for the discussion to progress well without manipulations and interests.

For more information about the Statement, you can call the office of the Information and Communications of the South Sudan Law Society-SSLS: Telephone: +211-956-257-038, +211-912-230-674

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