Thiang Nuer Youth Association Congratulates Lt. Gen. John Kong Nyuon on his Appointment as Caretaker Governor of Jonglei State

Thiang Nuer Youth Association (T.N.Y.A)
Juba-South Sudan

Subject: Congratulatory Message

Juba, November 16, 2013 (SSNA) — Thiang Nuer Youth Association of Fangak County would like to congratulate Lt. Gen. John Kong Nyuon on his appointment as Jonglei State Caretaker Governor. The Association thanks the President Salva Kiir for having heard Jonglei State people’s voices by appointed H: E John Kong, a diligent, Peacemaker and a Leader for all as a Caretaker Governor.

Lt-Gen. John Kong is a right person in the right place, appointed at the right time, given the current traumatized situation of Jonglei State. Because H:E  John Kong will work tirelessly to end inter-communal conflicts  by involving the State Intellectuals, Leaders and Elders as well as the grassroots.

Congratulations! Y: E John Kong, this Association (T.N.Y.A) and the people of Jonglei State in general is/are celebrating your appointment and believe, it will be a solution to social uncertainty/ambiguity problem in the State for once and for all. Therefore, go ahead Your Excellency we are all behind you!


Information Secretariat
Thiang Nuer Youth Association (T.N.Y.A)
Email: [email protected] or +0913364579
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