December 19, 2013 (SSNA) — The last three days have been extremely painful for the majority of peace loving South Sudanese and frustrating for some. The ongoing slaughter of Salva Kiir’s political opponents by his servants and puppets has not only shattered the lives of families whose love ones have been murdered, but also the event has tarnished the image of this nation. The lies and deceptions in regard to the events of 15/12/’13 would also make one wonder what the vision of this president is all about for this country.
Over the last two days over 1000 people, mostly Nuer, have lost their lives and the situation still remains intense, spilling over to other states. No one could really predict how many more lives will have to be lost before Kiir realizes his actions and plans were boldly stupid.
The people of South Sudan knew very well that there was no coup attempt what so ever. Therefore, it is important to let the world know about the brutality of this man. His media briefing, the day after the attack against his political foes, was not to persuade the people of South Sudan, as they know his evil tactics very well. Rather he was trying to blindfold the world to his actions in killing those who differ from his policies by trying to make it look as if he were the victim.
Undoubtedly one might ask how this could be a coup when Kiir himself had ordered his puppet, General Gathoth Mai to cut his holiday short from Australia and return to Juba as soon as possible. If he did not, Kiir would act without him by arresting the ex- vice president, Dr Riek Machar and other loyalists.
The motive behind the arrest was that Kiir did not want to lose party leadership in the SPLA convention due to be held before the 2015 presidential election. Upon Kiir’s request, General Gathoth returned to Juba and within the day of his arrival, President Kiir ordered the army to arrest his political rivals. As that is unconstitutional some army officers within the army barracks resisted Kiir’s request. By refusing to act, Kiir loyalists began shooting rampantly at forces loyal to Dr Riek.
Kiir has had a plan for a good number of years to resort to the army, which he does not control, when he discovered he was losing party support for nomination. The concern of party members was due to rampant corruption within his government, nepotism, massive unemployment and all other issues including lack of a clear vision for the country. Such prominent members include Rebecca Nyandeng, the widow of late founding father of SPLA, John Garang, Dr Riek Machar, Deng Alor, Lol Gatkuoth, Chol Tong and Taban Deng to say the least.
As Kiir felt that he may lose nomination for presidency of South Sudan, he structured the army by removing those he thought would stick to the rule of law with those he can manipulate. This resulted in the removal of many commanders from their positions such as Bol Kong, Gatwech Dual, Tang Ginye and many others.
Now that he had cleared his way by replacing them with his puppets, he declared war on his political rivals using the army to kill his own citizens, while at the same time making false claims of a coup plot against him.
As Kiir declared war on democracy, for which many people have sacrificed their live during our struggle against the north, I do not think it will take too long before we see his demise either through political transition or through the language that he understand.
The writer is a concern citizen of South Sudan living in Australia