![Members of the Greater Twic East Youth in USA in a past event. Photo credit: twiceastcommunity.org](http://www.southsudannewsagency.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Photo%20of%20theTwic%20East%20Community%20in%20USA%281%29.png)
Re: Greater Twic East Youth in USA remedial response to Bor County citizens globally
Bor County citizens say: “First, take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye (Matthew 7:5).”
Twic East County citizens reply: “For you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”
United States, July 19, 2014 (SSNA) — Before we jump to press response, we are wondering why our neighbor didn’t cite the press they have been claiming it has agitated them to releases this press titled: “To Bor County around the Globe,” the press was published on South Sudan News Agency website on July 12, 2014 By Daniel Mabior Turuk, the president of Bor County in North America [NB: the reason why we use ‘Turuk’ as the last name of Bor County in North America’s president instead of ‘Achiek’ was due to our Twic people Dialect intents it to be written]. The press claims that we have maliciously attack their County of Bor. It is fair to say, we don’t know the press they are talking about because they didn’t cite the press or article. Maybe the author has deadly forgotten to cited the press we have released specifically by title, month, date, time and where the press was published in which our County leadership of Twic East in North America had maliciously attacked them as they have been claiming.
It is a blunder we might associate with recently blunder that was made by Hon. Michael Makuei from Bor County who is at the same time the Minister of Information and Broadcasting in South Sudan’s government. The blunder did actually occur in Juba against vice president. Anyway, Juba is the capital city of South Sudan. Even some people now consider the blunder as it might had been done purposely, who is knows the conspiracy against His Excellency, the vice president of our nation, Mr. James Wani Igga. We recommend our nation CID to investigate this incident and whoever found to be an architect behind this unprofessional behavior has to be accountable for our Constitutions’ violations.
By the way, we decided to still response to the press although the press didn’t recognized the international standard of professional rules of scholars or writers higher class of sources citing educationally. Ultimately, the press was trickily designed to damage our community integrity. So it would be wrong if we let our neighbor offs the hook from their normal way in which they always try anything to destroy our community. Mr. Mabior and his group seem like they were guessing when it comes to press they claim from our community that have directly attacked them. It is just plainly lies, except may be the only one we have recently released press was our response to one of Bor County citizens goes by the name Jangdit Dengajok. In his article or press, Mr. Jangdit was trying to metaphorical attempts to character assassinated our entire community and its intellects. Up to now, we are still remember the press title as it is below: “The Death of Greater Bor Vision.”
We have decoded this line due to it sugar-coated meaning, “ … some members of Twic East County…”. And our simple answer to this point is to consider this as another blunder from our neighbor.
In that press though, our opponent mentioned that, our community of Twic East have two leaderships as this paragraph portrait it, “...we have not been successful in this endeavor because of the two competing leaderships of the Twic East County in the United States… The two leaderships are representing the same people. The leadership of Kuol Anyieth and the leadership of Wal Garang are neither one nor governing two difference groups.” Where to go! Of course, they have no differences due to their intentions to works hard towards our Twic East County citizens through any way that would suites our people of Greater Twic East Community. Plus as long as the two leaderships works for Twic people uniformly within our community, and yet none of any of the two leaderships is not working indirectly, or being marginalized and/or being beneath certain communities or sub-tribes against our Greater Twic East Community internal affairs. We don’t think it would be a big problem at all that would allow your County to jump in without any call from us. We consider this as breaching of our community integrity and sovereignty. So from today onwards, we don’t want you citizens of Bor County to cross over against without being summoned in first, otherwise there would be an specify consequences for any violations.
To you Mr. Mabior Turuk and some of your citizens from Bor County should know that, Twic Dinka community has big number when it comes to population wise in North America then any other Dinka communities. That means even though we have two leaderships body in North America as you our cousins from Bor County claims it. We believe, there would be no reason why the Greater Twic East Community in North America wouldn’t be able to have two leaderships in matter fact to overwhelming any needs of our citizens in North America, South Sudan and around the world as long as it is not a leadership basis on our three sections of Lith, Ajuong and Pakeer. Moreover, either we have two leaderships body of Twic East County or not as you our neighbor been trying to back door in through gossiping we well aware off from you, still we will consider your claims as pre-judgmental attitude toward our community. Not that only, you guys have violated this quote from the Bible whom you people have inserted in your press, “First, take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye (Matthew 7:5).” The main reason why you people have condemn yourself in that quote is big issue within your own County between Athooc and Gok sections of Bor County. Please check out this press titled, “” Published on Thursday, 12 December 2013 20:05 at Written by The Leaders of Gok Sub Communities in the U.S.” How are you, Mr. Mabior and the rests from Bor County will deny this article intentions?
In addition too, you Bor County citizens must know that our two leaderships body is not like Greater Bor Community leaderships whereby the divisions of leaderships is actually a damage divisions that was based on only two major sections of Athooc and Gok of Greater Bor Community. Thus, your people leaderships is contrary to our two leaderships body that was not basis on our three major sections of: Lith, Ajuong and Pakeer of Greater Twic East Community. Apart from that, now what would be the big, the bigger and the biggest problem between these two conflicted claims? Is it a leadership being basis on two major sections of one community or is it a leadership being basis on population wise and not actually over it three major sections? It is your homework.
Mr. Mabior continues “When you look at these leaderships, you would not tell the difference between the leadership of Kuol Anyieth and Wal Garang vs. the power struggle between president Kiir and former vice president Dr. Riek Machar.” What a mind boggling thoughts? We will not response to this nonsense comparisons between Wal, Kuol Vs. Kiir, Machar because it is unfounded alignment.
Again, Mr. Daniel Mabior, you and your citizens are totally out of your minds why? Where did you find out that our community two leaderships are having problem that needs your Bor County people attention. If it is not just a merely thoughts like your name Mabior is better than Mr. X. Body! We consider your claim as pretending and trickily vying for our peaceful community disunity. But wishing others a bad luck wouldn’t work at all. By contrast, the only problem we know is your County problem between Athooc and Gok sections. We believe your issue is the problem you people want to dodges like bullets because it is a very serous one that we think is worth comparing to South Sudan nation currently crisis. On going crisis in South Sudanese we think it has mainly cause back roots from Bor County’s politicians. As repetition, please check out our cited sources of the problem between Athooc and Gok of Bor County article below: “Published on Thursday, 12 December 2013 20:05 at Written by The Leaders of Gok Sub Communities in the U.S. You have just waste your time writing this part of your press. “Twic East in North America ought to solve their differences, and immediately unite under one leadership and this will open them wide door to blame the both the government and the rebels as well to handle their differences with other counties like Bor County.”
This is totally misleading quotation from our neighbor by misquoting our community quote under wrong name. Is absolutely a disgrace and counterfeit to our community ownership over quotations. You people need to stop these kinds of unprofessional thoughts if you people truly need our communities’ unity of inclusiveness, co-existences, mutual respect, recognition of others belongings, and many others. We are outrages and at the same time disbelieve our opponent go beyond mistakes and mistakes of their tricky lifestyles. “According to Marol Diingbol “We know you our people for your unresolved character that always go along with any situations through calm of maturity and self-control, We are being hate by them basis on our good traits of honesty, hospitality, humble, good distributor of everything fairly, fair and balance leadership we historically owned within Dinka communities or sub-tribes., Since the beginning of currently conflict in our new nation, we do perceive it as political disagreements and shouldn’t be categorized as being tribal conflict between two major tribes of Dinka and Nuer. It should have been done politically and not spills innocent for what we consider as small case.,Press release may 9,2014.” Attentions conversion from reality.
Mabior Turuk or Achiek, as far as our memories could recall, we didn’t actually attack Bor County people as you stated here, “… in which they have disgracefully attack Bor County for no good reason other than their hateful agenda.” To be honest with you, Mr. Mabior, which press are you talking about? We are still confusing sir, because you and your group didn’t cite the press in which we have attacked your County of Bor directly, otherwise it might be our last press as reply to your County citizen article. Mr. Jangdit DengJok did attack our community in his article titled, “The death of Greater Bor Vision.” The article was published on Paanluel wel Blog and Facebook as well.
We are happy that, the author had written the word “Co-existence” in his Bor County press. That word is very important if that leaderships of Bor County have critically understand the meaning of this word before they asking this question, “The genuine question is that, do we want to remain united communities? According to press self replied, “the answer was absolutely yes?” Alright, did Mabior Turuk and his group thoroughly understand the meaning of word ‘co-existence” before they say “yes” to this question of unitd communities? In our views, it is big no, why? Because their absolutely “yes” should have come with fantastic explaining on how our communities of Twic East, Bor and Duk should be able to remain united?
For example, if we say we want the last mango at the tip of the mango tree. First, we would have to come up with good strategy to obtain that last mango on the tip of the mango tree without endangering any branches of the mango tree plus our humans’ supportive apparatus to do. To us, our brothers and sisters from Bor County ‘yes” for our communities remaining united is like someone wearing t-shirt without knowing the meanings of written word on his/her t-shirt. The bottom-line is, any unity without bearings some of these words (mutual respect of others existences, inclusiveness, my name is my name, my Dialect is my Dialect, my land is my land, my history is my history, etc) among these communities is just merely long way promises to us.
In addition too, the only way we think it might have been an absolutely or coherency interlocks with your press “yes” Bor County’s citizens. First and foremost, would been better if your leadership of Bor County in North America might have had trained your citizens about word, “co-existence.” What this word means for our unity when it comes to our communities’ unity seekers? But right now, it is pre-mature in our views because we don’t see any possibilities of unity between our two communities. Due to reason that, we still not knowing the meaning of word unity, co-existence, inclusiveness, and respect of other belongings. “Within sorrow is grace. When we come close to those things that break us down, we touch those things that also break us open. And in that breaking open, we uncover our true nature.” By Wayne Muller Author, Therapist, Minister-This quotation was our Daily Quote on August 25, 2008.
This word, “co-existence” means lots for our unity, especially; it would been good if you our neighbor did understand the meanings of word, “co-existence.” Or otherwise that unity you people are trying to forge wouldn’t work at all.
Here is why the word is so essential in our views:
The word “Co-existence” is one of our main words we think, if we understand it meaning properly, and apply it truthfully without any reservations beyond imaginable doubt, we believe our communities should be able to gain unconditioned dividends of peace, inclusive, recognition, liberty, unity and prosperity. But if we take it simply in our accounts through journeys of unity pursue without clear vision, ultimately goal, this word “Co-existence” would be useless like your “yes” guys.
So basis on our understanding of the word “co-existence.” The word definitely all about respecting other people belongings. In stance, this is another definitions of the word itself, “co-existence” according to www.beyondintractability.org website:
“Coexistence is a state in which two or more groups are living together while respecting their differences and resolving their conflicts nonviolently. Although the idea of coexistence is not new, the term came into common usage during the Cold War. The policy of ‘peaceful coexistence’ was used in the context of U.S. and U.S.S.R. relations. Initially, it was a cover for aggression, but then it developed as a tool for reframing the relationship between the two powers. In the late ‘80s, the policy of peaceful coexistence included principles such as “nonaggression, respect for sovereignty, national independence, and noninterference in internal affairs.”[1]
Coexistence has been defined in numerous ways:
To exist together (in time or place) and to exist in mutual tolerance </essay/tolerance>.[2]
To learn to recognize and live with difference.[3]
To have a relationship between persons or groups in which none of the parties is trying to destroy the other.[4]
To interact with a commitment to tolerance, mutual respect, and the agreement to settle conflicts without recourse to violence.[5]” Credited source: www.beyondintractability.org website, Please check more information there.
We believe in unity that has correlation with mutual respect in regards to each others, sharing everything we all percept as being for us all and not for an individual idealism or selfishness with string attach to it, transparency among our communities, inclusiveness, knowing that my name is my name, and my ancestor’s area is my ancestor’s area, my Dialect is my Dialect, my Accent is my Accent, my lifestyle is my lifestyle according to our Dinka tribe people history facts book, knowing that our borders are our borders and we must respects them by not crossing over without permission, what belonging to Greater Duk area must always remain as Greater Duk area thing without conquers or interferes with their internal affairs like child that doesn’t know anything, plus self-control through not jumping into other territory like fly without knowing where it going is prohibited, etc. We think if we truthfully adherent to aforementioned points within our communities’ borders, we believe our unity which on concept stage should be fine when we reach there somehow.
Mr. Mabior Turuk, we are wondering now where were you been? Since you were elected as leader of Bor County citizens in North America yet your County’s politicians and citizens been using medium like South Sudan TV to denied Twic people existence, the TV your people been using to promotes hatred messages against entire community of Twic’s citizens and politicians at the same time, the TV whereby Michael Makuei and Malaak Awien been using as concrete elements to destroy Twic people. To be sincerely with you, we do consider that TV Program as Bor County citizens TV and not all in anyway for South Sudanese any longer. Mr. Mabior, where were you? When people like Jangdit Dengjok writes senseless article that tarnishing our decent community and our intellectuals as well. Where were you been? Mr. Mabior, when people like Jacob Achiek Jok and others been spreading wrong information about Twi people history. Mr. Mabior, where were you? When your Bor County’s citizens and politicians been advocating for the death of our intellects like Hon. Rebecca Nyandeng, Dr Majak Agoot and other heroes through hanging them claim pre-maturely, pre-judgmental or life in prison over claims we have seen today as wrong accusations basis on their releases this year. Mr. Mabior, where were you? When your Bor County’s citizens and politicians been describing the entire Twic Community in general term as a rebel community against president Kiir Mayardit leadership without any substantiated proves to support the claims. We might continue the list in later time if we decided to do so.
Our response to press segment below, we would like Mr. Mabior and his group from Bor County to just defines the purposes of “Social Media” or meaning? If you guys know the meaning of “Social Media” like TV as it is in case of South Sudan TV whom we considered as being for Bor County TV which was formed to destroy our community of Twic, “The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldwide.” Websites or blog like Paanluel wel, Gurtong, Sudan Tribune and other medium.” “The members of Bor County should know that I condemned such action by some members of Twic East County because our differences should never find their way to the internet if there is any. There are better venues to address our differences than the internet. Doing it in the internet is not going to be in the best interest of both communities.” By the way, we would like to help you from our research concerning the meaning of “Social Media”. Here is a definition according to Wikipedia: “Social media is the social interaction among people in which they create share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.
“The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldwide.”
We need the press released month, day, date, time, and where the press was published? The press we did directly attack Bor County citizens in regards to paragraph statement below. “In fact they are right, however; we are not in a position to response to such malicious press release by some disgruntled members of Twic East County, who are out for nothing, but to create more problems within the three counties of Duke, Bor, and Twic East. Responding to such naïve article could snowball whatever differences the group claimed.”
This is just another blunder thoughts from our neighbor that means we have nothing to response here though. “The two leaderships are representing the same people. The leadership of Kuol Anyieth and the leadership of Wal Garang are neither one nor governing two difference groups. When you look at these leaderships, you would not tell the difference between the leadership of Kuol Anyieth and Wal Garang vs. the power struggle between president Kiir and former vice president Dr. Riek Machar.”
“Many of you who are blaming our office for not doing enough to ends this reckless writing on face book and public news media by the so called Twic East youth office. We are sorry there is no way we can stop it unless Twic East County unit under one leadership.” Mabior Turuk, are you dreaming or struggle about what to say. Please doing research about the meaning Social media like Facebook objectives and others, and then you would be able to questions social media.
Right here again, the author seems to be confusing about what he been trying to says. In other word, it is mind boggling because the author has complicated himself which is contrary to what he actually been talking about. Particularly this line to us don’t make sense at all. Here it is “…because Twic has no unifying leadership, Bor county leadership has hard time to handle the differences that occurs between the Bor County and the Twic East County here in North America.” If you say, “Bor County leadership has hard time to handle the differences that occur between Bor County and the Twic East County here in North America.” We think it would have been better if you have put it this way so that it makes sense. “Bor County leadership has been having hard time to handle the differences that currently going on between Athooc and Gok of Dinka Bor here in North America.”
Our recommendations to president Mabior Turuk and some citizens from Bor County
You people need to learn words like respect (Hon. Michael needs to learn that when it comes to South Sudanese, Vice President, James Wani), patience when it comes to other people internal affairs. We believe it is always a pleasant way to be called in through dignify ways and not just jump into anything with conclusion and pre-judgment.
We know you, Daniel Mabior you didn’t just grasps the word, “co-existence” because it common nowadays, and put in your press without knowing the true meaning of the word itself. However, we advise you Mr. Mabior to teaches some of your citizens the meaning of that word if they would be able to understands the word at all.
Generalization, speaking of minds without self-control and pre-judgmental are absolutely wrong particularly if you misused them against others. That is another grammar rule you people need to reckon with, first and foremost, then after all your community might be able to retains many friends in near future.
In our traditional custom of child care rules book of respect, integrity and dignity, “the child has to be told at earlier stage to respect elders, posses honesty, respect other people belongings even if the owner of that thing is not there, the child has to respect that thing even the owner of that particular thing is not there. Lost, found it and give it back if you know the owner of that thing.”
Other communities’ names, lands, histories, livestock (cow, sheep, goat), money plus anything that somebody else owned should be respected as it is.
Ours are ours and my is my, is a strength that can positively contributes to any needed strong unity socially.
Weakness ways of killings the vulnerable ones or too much gossip is deadly disgrace attitude.
Old days when someone from Bor County comes to Greater Twic area, the elders would say, “children see where the cattle are?” Discipline children before they reach adulthood stage.
Just few points of recommendation from us, and maybe more in later time.
Bor County citizens, please next time don’t ever cross our borders to Greater Twic East Community area without our permissions. Again, surely, this time we need to be left alone with our internal affairs. That means, you people from Bor County got your own issues within between your major sections of Athooc and Gok (which is opposite to three sections of Dinka Twic: Lith, Ajuong & Pakeer) have a a significant problem that urgent your solutions. Yet our community of Twic East didn’t interfere with your internal affairs. Lastly, we need to be left alone Bor people.
“Mixing Twi people and Bor people would always be like an individual or group trying to mixes sand and cooked millet.”
Our reactions stages to anything:
Our always let everything goes as another good way for us to promotes social unity others is nowadays become something our opponent seems to be disrespecting us. Tit for tat is not our attitudes, but if there is anybody been trying to impose that road upon us, we will not hesitate this time. “Wo ce dee kura cï wo der ë yi dan ŋicku, keka tïŋku të bë në bï nuɔ̈iye.”
Please leave alone our intellects and we will leave alone your intellects.
Our community big population wise in South Sudan and around the world claim on this press was not basis on disgraced 2008 census whom certain communities rely on much without first factually know the meaning of that census, and who were behind that census. Later time story to deal with.
“Difference is of the essence of humanity. Difference is an accident of birth and it should therefore never be the source of hatred or conflict. The answer to difference is to respect it. Therein lies a most fundamental principle of peace: respect for diversity.” By John Hume (born 1937); Winner Of The Nobel Peace Prize