SPLM-in Opposition: Visit to Uganda is historical and a peace mission to stabilize the region

20th July, 2014
Press release


July 20, 2014 (SSNA) — As the IGAD led peace talks enters a critical stage, the leadership of SPLM/A takes the opportunity of extending its visitation to Uganda. Uganda is one of the principal members of East African community, IGAD and a major player in the great lakes region. Since the beginning of the crisis in South Sudan communication barrier had been our major problem and this is unacceptable considering the historical ties that the two countries share.

In the spirit of Pan Africanism, this is a great opportunity for the people of the two countries and the Great Lakes region. The overarching suspicion and speculation between the sisterly nations is uncalled for. We are one people; we share common history and drink from the same water of the Nile. The political differences and misunderstandings between the SPLM/SPLA and the government of Uganda is the works of the enemies of the two nations. Our people must peacefully coexist together. Political misunderstanding was unprecedented and should not derail the good relationship our people have been enjoying throughout history.

This visit will clarify to the leadership and the people of Uganda the root causes of the crisis and what happened thereafter. The people’s struggle will also enlighten the leadership of Uganda of our intention to bring peace and prosperity in the country which is mostly needed by the people of the two nations.

We in the SPLM/SPLA believe that the people of Uganda have been victims of negative information and propaganda by some greedy politicians from South Sudan who wanted to tear apart our brotherhood with Ugandans. This visit is historic and is aimed at giving the conflict new direction and adding momentum to the peace process.


Cde. Oyet Nathaniel Pierino
Chairman, SPLM/SPLA
National Committee for Political Mobilization
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