South Sudan: African Union should take a lead in the peace process!

By Peter Gai Manyuon

September 6, 2014 (SSNA) — Inter-governmental Authority on development (IGAD) has been wasting time since the genesis of South Sudan crisis that erupted on the 15th of December in Juba Capital 2013.

Many have been having hopes and aspirations about IGAD role to resolve the current mess in the newest nation.

Different interests emerged from the IGAD leaders and have lead to the mistrust of the mandate of the body by the world and as well by African Leaders.

Absolutely each and every one knows that the IGAD countries are being run by group of dictators who do not want the peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict in South Sudan.

The only organization that should address the African problems is African Union which is bigger than the IGAD even though Africans Countries are lead by crocks of dictators but some have sense of solving the problem more than the IGAD body which has become the American project and the East African Community/countries.

Moreover, United States of American (USA) is doing double standards prolonging to stop the South Sudan crisis because of the interest behind the scene. People might not see the interest but different analysts have dig out the interest of American people in South Sudan.

However at the AU inaugural meeting in Durban, the African leaders signed the “Protocol Relating to the Establishment of the Peace and Security Council of the AU” which came into force on 26 December 2003. The Protocol defines the PSC as “a standing decision-making organ for the prevention, management and resolution of conflicts in Africa continent.

In the meeting African Leaders said, the PSC shall be a collective security and early-warning arrangement to facilitate timely and efficient response to conflict and crisis situations in Africa.

In March 2004, the PSC adopted its Rules of Procedure and sat for its inaugural meeting one day later, thereby marking the beginning of the operation of the PSC. Indeed, two months later, the PSC was solemnly launched at the level of Heads of State and Government on 25 May 2004 respectively.

The only legitimate body to address African problems is the African Union not IGAD that has become the project of employment opportunity to some of the whites and East African leaders who act as the eyes and the hears of the Obama Administration.

The thousands of dollars that were channel by International Community to IGAD are being misuse/consumes. Very shameful!

South Sudan crisis is the man-made issue that is now turns in to project by the International Community and their allies who are looking for wealth in Africa rather than settling political disputes.

The Author is Independent Veteran Journalist and Columnist who has written extensively on the issues of Democratization and Human rights in South Sudan. He can be contact on [email protected] or

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