January 5, 2015 (SSNA) — South Sudanese struggled, suffered, died in thick and thin together when the liberation for the mother land (South Sudan) kicked off on 18th August 1955 in Torit. The search and quest for freedom was ensured eventually on 11thJuly 2011 after 56 years of struggle. Almost each and every tribe of the 60+ contributed in one way or another. For example by feeding the then freedom fighters or sacrificed lives for the land and its people. Over three million lives were lost during those two phases of war so that we arrive where we are. A single tribe cannot withstand this huge sacrifice. Unfortunately, this collective effort is under threat from Dinka fanatics. These Dinka fanatics act as if the liberation struggle for South Sudan started in 1983. This article will examine the strings of conspiracies against the liberation of South Sudan by the Dinka elements. These conspiracies are: returning of William Deng Nhial to Sudan, the hijacking of people movement by Abel Alier, Abel Kon conspiracy 1975 in Akobo, the dislodgement of Anya Nya II from Bilpam by SPLA back by Mengisto Haile Mariam and Kiir conspiracy of 2013. The accumulated of these conspiracies are the cause of this civil war.
In 1964 then William Deng Nhial broke rank with the leadership of Sudan African National Union and return back to Sudan from exile. The split created two SANU: outside one was under Aggrey Jaden and inside Sudan was led by him (Deng). Deng was for autonomy within federated structure Sudan. Meanwhile Aggrey and his team wanted Self-determination for South Sudanese. William was against the liberation of South Sudan from the rest of Sudan but preferred autonomy and federal system within united Sudan. Deng was the source of late Garang philosophy. His returning to Khartoum when the war at its peak hurt the spirit of struggle in Bharelgazale and other Dinka dominated areas. The motive was hunger for power and desire to lead at all cost. What was that conspiracy for? Eventually lost his life in the hands of those he wanted to appease. Dinka as a community never acknowledges the complication of this against the struggle for South Sudan instead they adore him as a liberator. This is a problem when a community is founded on lies and arrogant behavior. Now what is different between Riek who went to Khartoum in 1997 and Deng Nhial in 1964? Riek is focusing all his energy for South Sudan cause and he fought for it.
Another Dinka fanatic hijacked the total liberation of South Sudan in 1972 by negotiated a fake peace with South Sudan Liberation Movement leadership. Abel Alier wrote the peace proposal himself and that proposal became the basis of Addis Ababa Agreement. The Government of JafarNimery knew that the Anya Nya was acquiring weapons from Israel and so they had to do something. Nimeri used selfishness of Dinka people to destroy people’s dream. The circumstance to which that peace was signed was fishy. Due to that, a senior Anya Nya officer named Joseph Akuon (from Anyuak tribe) was murdered at Nyinthar/Tharyier-Malual battle month earlier before the peace deal. The officer died in the hand of Dinka elements under the influence of Abel Alier. Joseph was opposed to Addis Ababa Agreement and instead he wanted the Anya Nya fighters to continue the fight till the mother land is liberated. Late Elijah Malok in his book he was blaming Anya Nya soldier from Shilluk for Joseph’s unfortunate death. The truth is that it was a Dinka plan. Unfortunate thing was that Nuer failed to act but instead some refused to sign up for Addis Ababa Agreement particularly in Fangak and Easter Nuer. Gai Tut who was senior Anya Nya officer then failed the Nuer and the South Sudanese. Addis Ababa Agreement was another Dinka conspiracy against the South Sudanese aspiration.
Within three years after the peace agreement many former Anya Nya soldiers sensed deception by the Arab north. The Arab dominated government wanted to relocate former Anya Nya from the South to the North. This transfers was viewed as dismantling of Southern dream. In 1975, many discontented former Anya Nya soldiers took up arms again in Eastern town of Akobo in Upper Nile region. Nimieri swiftly sent a Colonel named Abel Kon to quell down the mutiny in the area. However, that was too late, the Colonel was killed by the dissident soldiers under the leadership of Vincent KuanyLatjor and fledged the area for Ethiopia border where they established their camp at Bilpam. The non-commissioned officer (Corporal Bol Kur) who pulled the trigger that shot and killed Colonel Abel Kon was mysteriously killed by the SPLA under late John Garang in 1988. There was no reason he should have been put to death in that year because the issue of Anya Nya II and SPLA was solved. The SPLA leadership killed Bol Kur probably to avenge the death of Arab’s agent Colonel Abel Kon, a Dinka by tribe.
In 1983 late John Garang conspired with Ethiopian dictator against the Anya Nya II elements in Bilpam. This conspiracy resulted in forceful dislodgement of Anya Nya II from Bilpam. The motive was power struggle and differences over the objective of the movement. The Anya Nya II dominated by Nuer favor the liberation of South Sudan meanwhile the John Garang group sanctioned a liberation for united Sudan on the new basis. Garang used foreign forces (Ethiopians) to insert himself on the movement leadership. Dinka cunning behavior yet again betrayed the people cause. John Garang ambition was to continue the Dinka dreams championed by late William Deng Nhial in 1960s but aspiration founded on lies and unstable ground could not be sustained or achieved.
On 14th December 2013, kiirKuethpiny publicly on the nation TV stated that he will not allowed the event of 1991 to repeat itself. He said this after being assured backing by Ugandan dictator, YuweriKagutamseveni. Kiir intended to get rid of all opposition figures particularlyRiekMachar and Nuer tribe who they see as threat to Dinka hegemony. Kiir did not believe Riek will leave Juba unhurt. Killing Riek was the ultimate goal for Kiir but great God has other plan and hence Riek survived from the evil hands. God spared Riek’s life because He wants him not to be another Gai Tut, Chuol Deng and BuahKoang whom the Nuer themselves killed through Dinka conspiracy. The December 2013 was a well planned massacred against the Nuer by the Dinka leadership. If indeed, Nuer did not react Dinka won’t have learnt. The training of Dinka militia and the invitation of Ugandans into internal conflict are case in point. I noticed the present of Ugandan servicemen with their tanks on 22nd December 2013 a day after my arrival in Juba from Bharelgazale. I, then warned my Dinka colleagues who were happy with Ugandans involvement in internal conflict about the complications this may bring to South Sudanese people and the country at large. Many of those have already incurred numerous loses as a result of this war apart from economic burden the war created. This war will be the last Dinka conspiracy against the Nuer and the rest of South Sudanese communities.
Finally, the Dinka greed for leadership, looting, tribalism, robbery, mismanagement, ruthlessness and domination of others are the cause of this civil war and hence the reason of Dinka consistent conspiracies since the 1964 till today.
Bel Deng is a concern South Sudanese citizen and he can be reached through [email protected].