Rebel-controlled Adar State forms military government

Pagak, February 14, 2015 (SSNA) — The Military Governor of newly created Adar State, Major General Saddam Chayot Manyang, has announced the appointment of members of his military cabinet.

The newly created Adar State, also known as Northern Upper Nile, is the first state to establish the deferral government which was adopted by the Sudan People’ Liberation Movement/Army-in Opposition (SPLM/A-IO) during its December 2014 conference in Pagak.

The newly appointed members of Adar’s military government are: James Majiok – head of Local Government and Laws Enforcement, Kun Minylang – head of Finance, Mary Nyawech – Head of Gender, James Khor Chuol Lengdit – head of information, Gatbel Gach Wuol – Head of Agriculture and Forestry, and Gatong Nyak Gatluak as head of political organization.

The SPLM/A-IO repeately said federalism is one of its main objectives in its war against South Sudan’s government.

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