Sub: Lou Nuer Community Association of Australia Condemn the Defection of Brig. General Lul Ruai Koang, the former spokesperson of SPLM/SPLA- IO
Australia, February 20, 2015 (SSNA) — The Lou Nuer Community Association Of Australia Inc. hereafter condemn in the strongest term possible and denounce the defection of Brigadier General Lul Ruai Koang back to Salva Kiir government.
It is to be made abundantly clear that this individual defection of Brigadier General Lul Ruai Koang back to the dictatorial regime in Juba is a personal surrender to the very system we have been fighting against for over thirteen months and does not constitute the interest or the position of Lou Nuer people toward this current conflict.
Lou Nuer sons and daughters in the diaspora denounce this defection of Brigadier General Lul Ruai back to the dictatorial incumbent regime. We urge all Lou Nuer youth, politicians, military leaders, traditional leaders and the general public to remain united and never to be divided by such personal surrender.
We must remain united and continue to support and stand firm with SPLM-IO for our people to attain justice, freedom and equality. We must never compromise our human dignity or betray our heroic people’s struggle only to be trap by bribery, opportunistic political position and blood money. We’re far better than that.
Our people collective interest, the reputation and image of Lou Nuer People is supreme to that of individual or group and must not be used or misuse by individual who forsake or betray justice for the victims of December 15th Juba massacre and that of this conflict, this is not acceptable.
Brig. General Lul Ruai Koang has tarnish and destroy his then thriving personal reputation and by returning to Juba he had betray justice for the door-to-door ethnic cleansing of innocent Nuer civilians and the victims of this conflict.
We the people of Greater Lou Nuer will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with Dr Riek Machar the C-in C of SPLM/SPLA-IO and the rest of the country to tussle and bring justice to December 15th victims.
Lou Nuer Community Association of Australia Inc. would like to reassure our comrades in the movement under the leadership of Dr. Riek Machar Tany that;
- Lou Nuer people will never betray accountability and justice to the victims of December 15th.
- Lou Nuer people will never stab the movement at the back, because we did not took arm neither to serve individuals interest nor to accumulate personal wealth. Therefore no one, not a single person in Lou Nuer Holly land will support Brigadier Lul Ruai. His defection does not represent the interest of community as a whole but himself
- The leadership and people of Lou Nuer in Australia are substantially standing behind the movement and the leadership of the movement and will continue to do so until our goal is achieved.
- We will never rest until perpetrators of the December 15th are brought to book.
- We will never cease our support to SPLM-IO until our people are liberated from the dictatorial regime in Juba.
May the almighty God bless the People of Federal Republic South Sudan
Signed by: