South Sudan’s President vows ‘never to share power with his rival’

Juba, March 18, 2015 (SSNA) — South Sudan’s president, Salva kiir Mayardiit, said during a political speech in Juba that his government is not in any position to share power with Former South Sudanese Vice President Dr. Riek Machar.

"I don’t agree with the suggestion that Riek be given the position of vice president. I don’t accept the issue of the two armies,” Kiir told his supporters in South Sudan’s capital, Juba.

Speaking to his supporters on Wednesday, Kiir blasted the international community and accused the world body of working against peace.  

“I am disappointed by some members of the international community to impose sanctions on South Sudan rather than encouraging peace building,” he added.

During the speech, Kiir repeatedly said his government is working for peace and claimed that “national dialogue, reconciliation, and forgiveness” are the only options for the people of the violence-wracked nation to achieve a peaceful end to the raging civil war.

IGAD-led peace talks collapsed early this month in Ethiopia after warring sides failed to agree on power-sharing and security arrangements.

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