South Sudanese rebels repel government attack in Unity State: Spokesperson

Juba/Addis Ababa, June 3, 2015 (SSNA) — Fighting broke out on Wednesday between South Sudan’s rival forces after government troops launched a coordinated attack on rebels’ outposts in Rot Riak area of Unity State.

South Sudan’s rebels said they have repelled government troops after their forces came under heavy attack from Juba-backed soldiers.

In a statement released on Wednesday evening by the Spokesman for the Chairman of the SPLM/A-IO James Gatdet Dak, the armed opposition said thousands of government soldiers from the SPLA-Juba divisions 3, 4, and 5 attacked their positions in Rot Riak, adding that pro-government militia fighters also participated in the assault.

“They attacked our forces at 9am at Rot Riak area situated at the main road junction between Panakuach and Unity oilfields,” Gatdet said in a statement.

The rebel Spokesman stated that the SPLA-IO delivered a crushing blow on government troops, inflicting heavy losses.

“SPLM/SPLA forces in Unity state have repulsed a massive coordinated offensive by forces loyal to President Salva Kiir on Wednesday morning at Rot Riak (Lalok) town, north of the state capital, Bentiu,” he said.

Gatdet added that latest attempts by government troops to capture Unity State oilfields from rebels is just a part of Juba’s full scale war scheme which it recently adopted in violation of cessation of hostilities agreement signed in Ethiopia in January of 2014.

The armed opposition disclosed that its forces captured war equipment in the fighting, including seven tanks in good condition and that Juba forces were scattered and on the run toward Mayom County and Warrap state.

The rebel Spokesman further revealed that separate attempt by government forces to try to infiltrate SPLA-IO position in Pariang area was foiled.

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