SPLM/A-IO office in Canada condemns the killing of General Peter Gatdet Yak’s son, brands Kiir’s government a “terrorist regime”

Canada, July 18, 2015 (SSNA) — The head office of South Sudanese armed opposition in Canada has strongly condemned the murder of the son of one of its revered military Generals, Peter Gatdet Yak.  General Gadet’ son, Yak Peter Gatdet Yak, was killed in Bor town early this week by government soldiers.

“SPLM/SPLA Canada condemns Salva Kiir genocidal regime in a strongest term this barbaric terror inflicted on Yak Gatdet Yaka, it is against International Conventions, UNIMSS and African Union Charters of Rights and Freedoms on the protection of Internally Displaced Persons,” SPLM/A-IO’s Deputy Representative to Canada, Ambassador Charles Wani Pioneson, said in a statement.

Pioneson extended his sympathy to Yak’s family.

“On behalf of SPLM/SPLA Canada, my own behalf and my family, I want to extend our deepest sympathy, grief and commiseration to the family of Cde General Peter Gatdet Yaka, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations…on the loss of his son Yak Peter Gatdet Yaka on the hands of the terrorist regime,” he added

Ambassador Pioneson also praised the deceased, saying the late was a dedicated citizen.

“Late Yak Gatdet Yaka was outstanding and shinning committed citizen, he was a true hero. The country salutes him for his great sacrifice,” he recalled.

Peter Gatdet, who is the SPLA-IO’s Deputy Chief of General Staff for operations, on his part said his son was killed the same way Kiir’s troops and militia killed other South Sudanese and that he sees no difference.

“My son’s death has no difference from the death of other sons and daughters who got murdered by the regime of Salva Kiir. His blood has joined the bloods of other sacrificed souls for the soon to be freedom of the rest who will be still alive,” Peter Gatdet told Sudan Tribune on Tuesday.

Pioneson offers words of compassion to Gen. Gatdet, saying the death of Yak “will not go in vain the same to those fellow Nuer and South Sudanese innocent citizens murdered in cold blood.”

“The struggle will continue until we get Juba regime changed and Salva Kiir National Security accountable and brought to justice for the genocide they have committed against our people, justice will serve them wherever they will be in the world,” he warned.

The rebel official also calls on Canada and the international community to condemn what he decried as “actions and violations of Kiir’s illegal government.”

It is widely believed that Yak was killed because government’s agents who acted as his friends inside UNMISS camp in Bor town where he lived were successful in planning a fake escape to a nearby rebel-held territory in Jonglei State.

At least 1.5 million South Sudanese are internally displaced, more than 730,000 people fled to the neighboring countries, and tens of thousands of people have been killed, latest UN figures have shown.

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