South Sudanese government troops steal “relief food” in Unity State

Addis Ababa, July 30, 2015 (SSNA) — South Sudan’s government troops and their allied militia have been accused of stealing “relief supplies” which were given to South Sudanese refugees by the UN’s world food program. The report also alleged that government soldiers killed at least seven people in a rebel-held area, the Associated Press (AP) has reported.

The AP also reported that the World Food Programme on Saturday dropped 270 metric tons of food in Dablual, saying it is “the first delivery of food to the area in two months.”

SPLA-Juba Spokesman Philip Aguer denied the report saying Juba-backed soldiers and their allies didn’t steal food or other supplies destined for refuges, adding that SPLA-Juba faction did not launch any attack against rebels in Unity State.

However, local officials in the area reported that government troops have burned the whole village completely, killed people, and rapped women and girls.

In February 2014, government soldiers were accused of stealing UNICEF Backpacks.

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