Where is Mr Peter Abdulrahman Sule?

Public statement

August 16, 2015 (SSNA) — Mr Peter Abdulrahman Sule, a renowned South Sudanese lawyer, politician and the leader of the United Democratic Front party in South Sudan has gone missing as of the 24th July 2015.  It is reported that he had gone to Adjumani in northern Uganda to visit some South Sudanese friends but was abducted by Ugandan plain clothes security personnel. 

Since then he has been unreachable via emails and mobile phone.  His personal phone appears to be in possession of other persons. When it is rung, sometimes it rings out,  sometimes it is switched off straight after the call and sometimes it comes back as engaged.

It is worth noting that Peter escaped from the regime of President Salva Kiir of South Sudan which had threatened to harm him.  He ran to Uganda and asked for asylum which was granted.  Therefore, he is a fully recognised refugee in Uganda under the Geneva Convention of 1951.  Given this we are asking United Nations to conduct a full enquiry into the whereabouts of Mr Peter Abdulrahman Sule.   The Ugandan authorities equally have a duty to tell his family and his political followers where Mr Sule is.

Elhag Paul
On behalf of concerned South Sudanese in Diaspora
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