Malakal death toll climbs to 25

Juba, March 4, 2016 (SSNA) — The United Nations (UN) has announced Friday that the killing which was carried out last month by armed men dressed in the SPLA uniforms has claimed at least 25 lives, adding that the massacre also wounded 120 people.

The UN has in past said gunmen who stormed a UNMISS-run camp in Malakal, killed at least 18 people including 2 humanitarian workers and that the incident destroyed 2 medical clinics inside the camp.

The report comes as the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), body tasked to investigate the deadly incident released a report, accusing UN peacekeeping forces of failure to protect civilians.

The attack has raised questions whether or not civilians are safe inside UN-run sites.

South Sudanese rebels called the attack “tribally motivated and well-planned.”

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