UN forms a “three-person commission” to investigate South Sudan’s war crimes

March 26, 2016 (SSNA) — The United Nations (UN) has set up a commission to investigate South Sudan’s atrocities committed in the more than two year civil war.

The rights body, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), announced th formation of the three-person body to investigate civilian attacks, gang rapes, and destruction of villages this week after some nations raised concerns over the future of the violence-ravaged nation if a transitional government is formed.

UN says South Sudanese government has agreed to cooperate with the investigation.

A senior UN official has in recent months suggested that the number of people killed in South Sudan’s civil war could be more than 50,000.

Both UN and aid agencies have accused rival forces of committing serious crimes, with some humanitarian groups accusing government troops of committing heinous atrocities in the oil-rich Unity state.

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