Juba/New York, January 27, 2017 (SSNA) — The United Nations on Friday called on South Sudan’s warring factions to immediately stop fighting and work toward implementing the August 2015 compromise peace agreement.
The spokesman for UN Secretary-General Stephane Dujarric at a news conference today in New York told reporters that the UN is aware of the renewed fighting in Upper Nile, adding “intermittent shelling could be heard” in Malakal.
“Our colleagues from the UN Peacekeeping Mission in South Sudan report that intermittent shelling could be heard this afternoon in Malakal in Upper Nile from the Ditang area towards the north of the town, close to the UN base. This follows reports of heavy fighting on Wednesday between the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) and opposition forces in Ditang, Lelo, Artakong and Burkiny,” Dujarric said.
“The Mission reiterates its call on all parties to immediately cease hostilities and fully implement the peace agreement,” he added.
Dujarric disclosed at the press conference that Malakal town was abandoned and that South Sudanese government troops in the area were on high alert.
UN announcement came two days after heavy fighting broke out between government and rebel forces in and around Malakal.
37 Comments. Leave new
Who would believe this outrageous propaganda? The US, the UN, the UK and some of their idiots in between are running their usual propaganda against South Sudan and the South Sudanese people since they have realized. There would be no way under the sun would South Sudanese people allow these hyenas to get anything in our country.
The bullshits like the evil juus called John Panderagast of *Enough Project* and his cohorts are running their crude propaganda against the SPLA hopping their slime may stick. But these days, no one give a damn about what these vermin think about South Sudan and the South Sudanese people.
For our oil fields, the corporate America, the UK, their UN, their jews and some of their criminals in between can go to hell. They are not wanted in our country.
of course jokda
Stupid UN. Where is Macha the peace maker?
Don’t say UN is stupid, you are stupid ****a.
People, stop your lies. The UN and other hyenas in between who are salivating to make South Sudan their next Syria, Libya, Yemen or Somalia are wasting their times and everybody else time. There will be no way we will dare allow any evil corporate America, Europe and some of their other hyenas in between into our country with their usual dirty intrigues.
We know you fellows than you fellows think you really know us. A lot of bloody noses fellows. Be warned.
The governments are not thinking, useless people, 2018, they are going to be down.
Hey I have a question for you I been very interested in what’s going on and I get biased fake news info all the time… I am American but I know that our people are misrepresented by the government we have unfortunately… I know the south Sudanese wanted freedom from north originally because of why? Religious freedom?
Only one word” INCLUSIVENESS “, to reach a cease fire.
Comment *You are right my Brother,I wish you all the best
” inclusive government “
Which peace is to be implemented? When the peace maker Dr. Machar is not in the country you had shown reluctance to renegotiate the with the really man of peace blame yourself for thinking and believing in money lovers who abandoned the peoples’ movement for seek of money.
Who is going to make peace with who.while the leader of the opposition has been kept in the exile.might be Taban Deng is no more in IO, but the Government.whom do the UN would talked with?
The so-enough assholes need to Worry about a growing authoritarianism in their own back yards. They also need to advocate for fixing those countries they had teared down first ,(Libyia,Iraq,Afhganistan) before anyone can believe them that they really have a moral obligation ,and do care the life about lives of people.
Strange how south Sudanese make their comments. Why all the hatred.
When UN and the world leaders need to bring peace in south Sudan, they should call Riak to come back and implement the peace agreement signed in 2015, with the government without Risk no hope for peace in south Sudan
You seem not to understand the geopolitical of South Sudan my friend, remember those who are fighting are not RIAK rebel but shulluk rebel called NDM. It has nothing today with Spla-io of Riak.
UN Secretary must know that August Peace Agreement is already collapsed , dead and burried in Juba by Salva Kiir and his Dinka Council of Evils ( JCE ) since 8 July 2016 last year . There is no peace Agreement in Juba right now to be implemented. Taban Deng Gai the FVP is not in control of our gallantry SPLA IO. The SPLM IO both military and politically are rally behind weighful, populist, visionary and democratic leader Dr Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon. Without him, there will be no peace but bloodshed and full scale of civil war in South Sudan.
Man you are right there,peace in south Sudan will come only if the Dinka’s become equal to all the 64 tribes of the country.now they have introduce something called council of elders who are all illiterate only thinking of protecting something called the dinka presidency to reign in forever,I don’t blame them because illiteracy has powered them.
this theoretical UN, we are tired, u watched as Machar was being driven out of juba by the kirr killer regime, he went and u supported his stay far from SS, now u the same say u want the Agreement implemented, who to implement with who, u just shamelessly nid jobs, wen u sit in ur offices and say stop fighting u get paid, the same applied to Obama admin, very theoretical!!! lets watch and see wat will come out of the practical man Triump….. and his administration
Those people are victims and they have to be liberated. They are living in rubbish because of few greedy people who are looking for positions. stop rebellion and accept living in peace.
**ck all the hite’s countries who were using African as slaves by then
Better to kill the *hites than to kill the rebels cus they are like a river btn 2 dry areas.
Don’t think of them as a river between to dry areas for that river would bring life to both sides… that is not a river but a mirage and when u drink from it u find its not wAter but killing is never the answer only to defend or to stop from being attacked should killing be a necessary action and only to those who are doing the killing not the innocent
You think they encourage you to divid it because they love s.Sudan people, no..
They want your land…
Elderly people who are unable to run will be watching for their killers.
South Sudan has no future, if those greedy people still on power.
I wish UN could put in mind that there is some body very important in the peace of South Sudan and this is not other than Dr. Riek Machar.
I mentioned this because everybody has forgotten what else is an obstacle to the peace in S. Sudan.
Mostly, I do hear we are implementing peace but no body in the government is controlling the rebels as Deng Gai is always talking “I am the leader of SPLM/A IO we are here for peace” but no peace is seen.
Riak Machar is just like a man in ancient times he wants to the wood on the surface of the water
I think there no peace in south sudan .while un present across the country.
For southern sudanses people. To get peace they have to make sure to order united nation out of the country first.
There’s no peace with this stupid government of South Sudan, what of government killing his own country citizens. I don’t think there should be peace,
I pray for the hevenly kingdom to come soon, so that all these suffering could come to an end. Not only in s.sudan but in the world in general.let us instead put ourselves wright and look forward for that coming kingdom to have total peace for all.
UN UN UN if u have that capacity pls help the suffering people of south sudan.we have enough resources, large area good for agriculture,we have the river Nile passing through the center of the country heads animals and forestry the weather is good our population is less than 11 million with an area of approximately 700,000sq km if this is the case what is our problem.we need mutual interest for national,regional and international development.
our people of south sudan let us seek solution to our problems using logic base on broader base minded as the only way of solving problems which is acceptable to all and supportive by all.
Hahaaa.it’s true the Dinkas don’t accept the reality that they are the main peace destroyers in south Sudan, sorry,I don’t blame you because you people run the government blindly I mean even most of the leaders are illiterate at noble positions.they know how to rule money but not humans.
Something is been called the council of elders other than been called the illiterates who think of protecting the presidency for the dinka people who are almost 92% illiterate not thinking of peace and the right person to rule and also bring in harmony to all south Sudanese. the only dinka who could ruled south Sudan peaceful and diplomatically is gone.OH GOD why did you let DR GARANG go before educating the country especially his true community who only know money and power not equality,harmony, peace,brotherhood development etc.R.I.P DR JOHN GARANG the only true leader.
Please brothers! Peace ! Peace!! Peace!!!
This is the right time for UN to get Dr. Machar back on track. With out him there will be no peace.
Chol, you need to stop ur bullshit talks. Seems you aren’t sure of what you saying, you tell UN, UK and other partners to leave on which base? Your fucken govt can not manage anything at the moment, and for you the Blind, you bliv being from dinka tribe qualifies you a South Sudanese only(non-dinka tribe isn’t a South Sudanese), many tribes in SS love you and continuously ilke you and bliv in you but you don’t pay them even a piece of appreciation, instead you call them rebels. Take eg with the luo tribe in Wau, who never been apart from dinkas, they have never down-looked any dinka bother, have ladies married in-between(inter-married), the somehow recognized govt officials at national level have never rebelled against both Sudan govt(Bashir regime) nor Kiir’ govt that could draw clear historical statement of being called rebels. What does it mean now? Comment *