Juba, February 12, 2017 (SSNA) — The Youth League of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-In Opposition has accused the Chairman of Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC) former Botswana President Festus Gontebanye Mogae of conspiring with South Sudanese government, saying recent actions of the JMEC head show he can no longer perform his job as a trusted peace mediator.
In a strongly worded statement obtained by the South Sudan News Agency, Cde. Sirir Gabriel Yiei Ruot, the SPLM-IO National Youth League Spokesman, described Mogae’s actions as “meaningless and unacceptable”, adding the armed opposition youth league lost confidence in his leadership judgment.
“We, the SPLM-IO Youth League, has lost confidence in the ability of the former President of Botswana H.E. Festus Mogae the current Chairman of Joint Monitoring and evaluation commission (JMEC),” the SPLM-IO Youth League said.
The rebel youth arm accuses Mogae of acting as a campaign manager of President Kiir, saying the former Botswana President’s actions he disrespects the civilian population being killed by Juba’s regime.
“President Festus seems to have a personal interest and this has been manifested in his agenda to be a praise singer and a campaign manager to President Salva Kiir. His disdain and disrespect for our civil populations who are being murdered and displaced from their homes in his watch is unacceptable and also an insult to the widows and orphans living in United Nation Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS),” the statement reads in part, adding “The present of President Mogae in Juba as a watch Dog to the ACRISS is meaningless and unacceptable; his inability to accept the truth about the abrogation of peace by Salva Kiir and Taban Deng Gai has displayed his clear egos to be benefiting from the suffering of South Sudanese. Moreover, his failure to halt the draconian system from raping women and teenagers in Juba Checkpoints are enough evidence for him to collect his belongings and leave South Sudan for Botswana.”
“For these reasons, we SPLM IO Youth League feels that H.E Festus Mogae should voluntary and peacefully submit his resignation letter to the International bodies, UN, IGADs and AU leaders Because He is either unable or unwilling to carry out his sworn duties and should step down as soon as possible.”
The SPLM-IO Youth League also stated that Mogae’s inability to perform his duties show he is siding with Kiir’s government and that the armed opposition has been monitoring his recent activities, adding Mogae has been giving deaf ears to the suffering South Sudanese.
The rebel youth group went further, asserting that the reason why Kiir’s government insists on killing and kidnapping people is because JMEC chairperson refuses to accept the fact that the August 2015 compromise peace agreement has already collapsed since July last year. Rebels also stated in the statement that Mogae’s action over peace implementation is “unprecedented, disrespectful, and outrageous.”
This is not the first time JMEC Chairman has been accused of a wrongdoing.
In January, a South Sudanese opposition leader Dr. Hakim Dario harshly criticized Mogae over what he described as “lack of the implementation of the peace deal.” Dario urged Mogae to quit and called for the African Union takeover of South Sudan peace process, adding that the AU must act to prevent what he called “emerging ethnic conflicts.”
It has emerged, however, that the JMEC chairman recently provided statements to the Paris-based AFP news agency, which seemingly provoke rebels to call for his resignation. Magoae was reportedly talking in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, about militia groups in South Sudan.
“Some are opportunists, others are downright criminals, because of the shortage of food. There are allegations that some groups are targeting Dinkas,” Mogae was quoted by the AFP as saying.
Some rebel supporters have recently been critical of Mogae on social media, with some calling the JMEC Chairman “Salva Kiir’s Spokesman.”
18 Comments. Leave new
As I said earlier-on that the (ONLY) way to peace in south Sudan is through a harmonious respect for the Aug-2015 peace deal while considering Machar’s opinion. Yes we might say his active political presence might always spark violence in the country but the stakeholders should also consider replacing him by somebody he mutually consents. In that way, he might-be comfortable that his interest is indeed represented. we should also remember that he initiated everything. I there for urge Mogae to think deep about this and advise the world accordingly.
There is no peace in the first place to monitor after the July 2016 J1 incident. Therefore presence of Mr. Mogae adds to exacerbation of the already volatile situation since he is misleading thr UN/AU that peace still exist. He must pack and go.
It has been very clear that Mogae was a stooge, who is there to earn money and to promote the lazy African dictatorship approach. When Jaang government created 28 states in violation of the agreement, he was the first to make a statement that he doesn’t see a problem with it. The weakness of IO leadership is to be blame for the continue suffering of our populations and for the ways international communities looks at the problem in South Sudan. IO become a complainer movement. Constantly complaining about being attack by the Jaang government. International communities this or that. Why did you took arm? To be on defensive or to solve a problem? To wait for international communities? While the country bleed? Do you want somebody else to fix our problem? Please brother Siri talk to IO leadership to be men of actions. Complaining and whining without an action is useless and always fall on a deaf ears.
Mr. Lualdit
It is absurd for a big movement to always blame, blame, blame and call, call, call on the International bodies without their solution. Please, IO what is the solution for this mess. If you mind of the International community, then think digging your own grave because IC always come to help graveyards not people. IO must have a solution for the dying population otherwise, they will be deemed helpless and movement of Bla, Bla only.
Lima 7
President kiir called for national dialogue because he know war has a bad result. Let us support him so that we prepare for election and peaceful transfer of power.
What dialogue? To dialogue with who? The committes already selected by Jaang government only reresent Jaang interest. Who are the representatives of the opposing views? My problem at this point is with the weakness displayed by IO leadership. If they mean business, the lies and stupidity being done by jaang government should be the focus that should be confronted by all means. These fake statement of national dialogue is extend the suffering of our people.
Mogae for sure has no reason to remain in Juba. It is very clear that he is after the blood dollars he is collecting over the bodies and blood of South Sudanese. As he has taken side, he is no longer mediator nor monitor.
This so called situations happening right now in s.sudan is a documented plan even before separation so web should be very careful to avoid and control the incoming future sufferings of our beloved country s.sudan So many civilians have gone to refugees settlement but the President hasn’t pointed any thing about that yet he is awre about the internal affairs of this country so there are doing what we call POLITICAL OPPORTUNISM (GAME READING) of this nation so we are all aware of their plan its not a new thing we have to protect our own because no body can do it for us if we don’t do that…….JIEN is now the new parliament of the President now what’s the use of the MPs and ministers and even the parliament is no longer a power house because its strength is given to JIEN so this is just rubbish but not a government.
Many thanks to leaders who have resigned earlier to save their dear lives than to die like a an insect.
Have a good day.
The only people speaking about Taban being part of IO even since he became a spokesperson for IG and Kiir is Mogae. There is fighting in South Sudan, atrocities committed by Kiirs forces, everyone knows this, but nothing is done. Kiir wants a dialogue – with himself as this in anyway would bring peace. Taban is now an honorary junior JCE member, and as such he speaks for Kiir, not the oppressed. Taban and the National Security forces try to buy people to destabilize the opposition, so obviously there is money available for this. But no money for the starving and the displaced. Festus Mogae might have ben good in the past perhaps, but in South Sudan he is not performing his role and hence the travesty of justice and peace implementation is ongoing.
How many more have to die before the outside world wakes up and disposes of Mogae and more importantly, dispose of Kiir and his murderous mob of thugs and kleptocrates?
That’s right, Magae should resign from his position as peace monitor. The Juba gov’t has been denying the fact there is no rebels all over the country. These are criminals they said. And that ‘s what Magae has saying. He need to pack his staff and go piecefully.
we are tried of War,what South Sudanese need now is peace,Love and message of Hope,we need to come up with South Sudanese solution to South Sudan problem.
Comment *You the people of s.sudan you don’t want to live in peace, fighting became part of your life b’se there was no strong reason wic caused the fighting of 2013 .How can someone decided go for war b’se he was fired from the post of president now the p’ple of s.sudan are surfering b,se of one man who’s oppotunist and greed of power.
President Mohamed has nailed all the legimate points. People ought to accept the truth that there are opportunists. The list of thieves and anarchists are endless. It is a savagery curse.lol.
Comment *You the people of s.sudan you don’t want to live in peace, fighting became part of your life b’se there was no strong reason wic caused the fighting of 2013 .How can someone decided go for war b’se he was fired from the post of vice president now the p’ple of s.sudan are surfering b,se of one man who’s oppotunist and greed of power.
Thank you.
Someone says “Tell the truth and the truth shall set you free.”
Our people hate truth and shall continue to languish in their own makings for very long time.
In Aug 1991, in the midst of South Sudanese solidarity and solid unity for common cause, it was same Dr. Riek Machar who start shooting other South Sudanese because he don’t want dictator John Garang.
Today, it’s dictator Salva Kiir.
President Mogae,not Mohamed as the keyboard picked.
Junubin, let us pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace so that we develop our country.
we have nothing to said about that as we are dinka bor