Australia excludes South Sudan from refugee sponsorship program

Home Affairs and Immigration and Border Protection Minister Peter Dutton. Photo: YouTube/File

Juba, April 5, 2018 (SSNA) — Australia’s immigration authority has removed the Republic of South Sudan from its Community Support Program (CSP), saying recent assessment will only allow countries that are prioritized.

The decision barred South Sudanese-Australians from sponsoring refugees who want to resettle in Australia.

Reports indicated that immigration authority has informed sponsors with links to South Sudan and Somalia that “their applications are highly unlikely to be considered, let alone accepted.”

The nations to be accepted under the new priority program are Ethiopia, Iraq, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Afghanistan, Syria, Bhutan, Myanmar, and Eritrea.

A spokesman for Australia’s Home Affairs Department said Australian government determines priority countries each year.

South Sudan was removed along with Somalia and Iran.

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Akot Ngor Gorjok
    April 5, 2018 1:58 pm

    I know they must be a lot of bad things going on because of we South Sudanese and this is the result of the bad behavior being done by our brothers in Australia. Now what are we the people suffering in Camps going to do yet we where having hope of going to Australia and work for the future now our hope is no more.


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