10 UN workers missing in Central Equatoria

UN peacekeepers patrolling in an undisclosed location in South Sudan. Photo: UNMISS

Juba, April 26, 2018 (SSNA) — The United Nations (UN) has announced the disappearance of humanitarian personnel in South Sudan’s Central Equatoria region, saying the aid workers disappeared while on a mission from Yei to Tore.

Alain Noudehou, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan, said in a statement that the team left Yei for Tore in the first house of Wednesday.

“We are deeply concerned over their fate and we are looking for urgent information about their well-being,” Noudehou said.

Noudehou disclosed that the employees worked for different humanitarian agencies. He explained that one worked for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), two for UNICEF, one for South Sudan Development Organization, two for Help Group of Across, three for International Plan, and one for Action Africa Help.

Meanwhile the Sudan People’s Liberation Army-In Opposition (SPLA-IO) deputy spokesman Col. Lam Paul Gabriel said the armed opposition is investigating the report.

UN said the missing humanitarian workers are South Sudanese.

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