Addis Ababa/Juba, May 26, 2018 (SSNA) — A South Sudanese ambassador has accused the United States government of being behind a recent decision by South Sudan’s rebels and other oppositions groups to reject IGAD’s newly power-sharing proposal.
The accusation comes barely three days after South Sudan’s main rebel group, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army-In Opposition (SPLM/A-IO), Former Detainees(FDs), and other opposition groups rejected IGAD’s bridged peace pact.
James P. Morgan, South Sudan’s ambassador to Ethiopia and African Union, told reporters in Addis Ababa that recent US sanctions on the war-wracked young nation encouraged rebels to refused peace proposal. The diplomate did not elaborate further on why Juba believes Washington is the one encouraging rebels and other oppositions factions to reject the proposed agreement.
James pointed out that US arms embargo and targeted sanctions on South Sudan are the problems preventing peace from returning to the country.
A South Sudan political analyst who wants to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal told the South Sudan News Agency (SSNA) in Juba that James Morgan’s claims are “naked” and that the diplomat is trying to use “old tactics they once used” against former US President Barack Obama.
“You know, South Sudan government officials always claim to be right when a real threat exists. But when they know there is none, they act like an absolute king,” the analyst explained.
“South Sudan government was very good at deceiving former US President Barack. They [government] used to act or say whatever they want when Barack was still American leader,” he said, adding, “Barack Obama was using language that was threatening to all parties to the conflict, blaming all sides all the times and took no action.”
The analyst believes Juba is now terrified by actions of current US President Donald J. Trump.
“They thought Washington will follow previous administration footsteps. They are wrong, and they really need to change course,” asserted the analyst.
The United States has imposed an arms embargo and targeted sanctions on South Sudan and threating to withdraw its financial assistance to the young nation.
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shut up and focus on you fucking job – the attention given to the west is why they most likely ever will leave our country. focus on interdependency within the border you fucking losers.