IGAD leaders to discuss South Sudan peace in Kenya

Sudanese President Omar el-Bashir and Ethiopian Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed at Bole International Airport for IGAD-s Extra-Ordinary Summit in Jun2 2018. Photo: horndiplomat.com/File

Khartoum, September 1, 2018 (SSNA) — Leaders of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) will meet in Kenya by mid-September to discuss objections raised by the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-In Opposition (SPLM-IO) and other political parties, Sudan’s ministry of foreign affairs has said.

The South Sudan News Agency (SSNA) was told by a well-placed source that the call for a special summit on South Sudan happens after SPLM-IO and other parties to the conflict demanded that the current simple majority votes provision be replaced with a shared responsibility provision.

The source also disclosed that the armed opposition does not like South Sudan to have 32 states, preferring the original 10 states.

The source further explained that the SPLM-IO wants the current National Constitutional Review Commission to be replaced with an inclusive new body, claiming the current review commission is occupied by Kiir’s loyalists and that it would be impossible for any reform agenda to advance without amending the constitution.

Last week, the South Sudan News Agency reported that most of the SPLM-IO’s proposals were deliberately ignored by regional mediators and that nearly all members of the armed opposition negotiating team rejected the proposed peace.

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