Leaked document: Cairo, Kampala, Juba are conspiring against Addis Ababa

El-Sisi (right, Museveni (left). Photo: Egypt Today/File

Kampala, November 5, 2019 (SSNA) — The leaders of South Sudan, Uganda, and Egypt are working days and nights to prevent Ethiopia from completing the construction of the $4 billion dollars Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), a Ugandan ex-spy who uses a pseudonym name James Moises to protect his identity has claimed.

In a 3-page documented he delivered to a South Sudan News Agency’s (SSNA) reporter through an intermediary in Kampala, the former intelligence officer who previously worked for Uganda’ s External Security Organisation (ESO) exposes what seems to be an extensive campaign to put more pressure on Ethiopia through diplomatic and military means. The text also reveals how the three countries are coordinating their corporation to achieve their interests in the East African region.

“We have a situation where my country [Uganda] has become the number one ally of Egypt in the region. There is no problem of being an ally of a sovereign nation, but it is wrong when you do it to cause harm to other countries,” James wrote.

James’s claims point finger at Egypt, Uganda, and South Sudan.

“The Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, South Sudanese President Salva Kiir are conspiring against Ethiopia to make sure Ethiopian mega project Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam does not go forward,” he explains, adding, “I have worked for many years as a spy and most of my assignments were in the East African region. I have never seen anything like it before.”

The former ex-spy accuses the three nations of being driven by self-fish interests.

“El-Sisi, Museveni, and Kiir have their own interests they want to achieve. The President of Egypt wants to continue controlling the water of the Nile River, Uganda wants to keep Salva Kiir in power with help from Egypt, and South Sudan’s leader future depends on Museveni, James explains.

In the document, James says he uncovers “serious techniques” designed to prevent Addis Ababa from completing its Dam. He asserts that “the plan includes Uganda and South Sudan to assist Egypt” if Cairo decides to go to war with Addis Ababa.

James, who claims he has “Ugandan best intelligence connections” also accused Egypt of using ‘covert channels’ to deliver weapons to South Sudan.

“El-Sisi always delivers weapons and ammunition to Juba in two different ways. He delivers them in the form of medicines or agricultural products, or he uses Uganda as an intermediary. These are all cover channels,” he says.

The construction of the Ethiopian Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam began in 2011. The project encountered several obstacles before including an attack by a rebel group. The Ethiopian authorities accused Egypt and Eritrea of being the sponsors of the rebel.

The 6.4GW project is set to become the biggest hydropower dam in Africa if completed.

James Moises is known for being the first foreigner to expose secrets between Uganda and South Sudan. His July 2013 article exposed Kiir and Museveni’s plan in weeks, months, and years leading up to the eruption of civil war in December 2013.

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82 Comments. Leave new

  • That’s the only option lift for those who want to sell South Sudan to Egypt or Ethiopia.

  • It would be stupid of Ethiopia or naive at best if they went ahead with a mega-project knowing fine well that Egypt wouldn’t leave any stone unturned to stop the project by all means necessary without having the means to defend the project and the country. Is South Sudan stupid and wants to be wiped out of a map and support Egypt, basically be a battle ground for two of the biggest militaries in Africa to battle it out?
    The best always is not war but discussions and negotiations with mutual respect and understanding and find a win-win solution. But Egypt is still stuck in old ways!!

    • Stupid is not completing a project almost 69% done. Furthermore; Egypt knows, full well that it will not win any kind of war against Ethiopia. They’ve tried it many times before and they know what happened. Ethiopia has assured that the dam will not hurt Egypt in any way. Nothing can stop the dam. That’s why Egypt has asked the US to mediate and the foreign ministers of both countries are in DC talking, as we speak.

    • It’s already known attempt.
      But why for Uganda? I didn’t believe it.

      • Wube, you people don’t be fooled now and a again. Who is the Masterpiece of all these mess? Only Uganda to keep his interest in South Sudan by keeping Salva Kiir in power. Remember he quarrel with Abiy Ahmed about the release of rebel leader Dr. Machar last two months. The plan is to keep South Sudan rebel outside and make Our country Ethiopia busy to look for its project. To me let us lobby those Nuer rebels of South Sudan, give them our full support with military materials so that they fought with those of Salva Kiir. That strategy will help us to keep Uganda and South Sudan busy and look only for their problems instead of supporting Egypt.

  • Alemu Shewakena
    November 5, 2019 11:19 am

    It would be stupid of Ethiopia or naive at best if they went ahead with a mega-project knowing fine well that Egypt wouldn’t leave any stone unturned to stop the project by all means necessary without having the means to defend the project and the country. Is South Sudan stupid and wants to be wiped out of a map and support Egypt, basically be a battle ground for two of the biggest militaries in Africa to battle it out?
    The best always is not war but discussions and negotiations with mutual respect and understanding and find a win-win solution. But Egypt is still stuck in old ways!!

    • Mr Alemu for south Sudan to be wiped out of the maps of East Africa is the second option. Bear in mind nobody is going to remove out south Sudan in the map of Africa leave east Africa, we are there and we will be there in all means either war or peace we will be found.

      • Hey Aciek. All actions have reactions. You don’t exist as a nation at the expense of conspiring against others. As much as you want your nation’s existence, we also want the unity and natural right of our nation to be respected.
        We’ve every right to build a dam on our natural resources and Juba doesn’t have anything to be mournful over that. It is even the first beneficiary.
        While it continues to conspire against us, it shouldn’t forget that the number 1 supporter of its sovereignty was Ethiopia and we as a nation have every right to defend ourselves.

      • One of prophet from Ethiopia salva kiir not continue as a presdant ,that is help to build our dam .

      • i cant believe about south Sudan!, its a back stabbing for Ethiopia,but for sure south sudan will be basically a battle ground for two of the biggest militaries in Africa

      • Countries that created by the Westerns usually never last long or always leave in a civil war, because they don’t have the ability to manage their own land. I suppose lack of experience, so South Sudan haven’t even start to crawling independently let alone to walk by themselves. Eygipt is looking for a baby puppets to boss around easily. S.Sudan needs to watch out from Egypt.

  • Probably since the leaders from those countries are the same old goats some attention needed to be taken but if it happens what they dream for than the first village to be erased from the world map is going to be Juba.

  • Ethiopia has its right to use its water as it wishes. Egypt should manage itspopulation and fine its a way to look after its people. but not in expenses of people.

  • Uganda President is a co-murderer of South Sudanese. He is the one who helped Salva Kiir planned to kill Nuer people in juba in 2013. These two dictators desveres to go to hell nothing else. Peace will not come to South Sudan if Museveni is allowed to continue meddling in South Sudan affairs. Greedy old man deserves fire in hell.

  • Wechdeng Khol
    November 5, 2019 1:41 pm

    I hate Kiir and Museveni to death. These are the destroyers of east Africa. They have been doing this since mind 2012.

  • Pal Gatkuoth Deng
    November 5, 2019 2:29 pm

    The Ethiopian government must open her eyes before the situations get out of controls. Salva Kiir has given the Egyptians bases in Upper Nile to launch attacks against the Ethiopian Dam. Since Upper Nile is home to Nuer people, Ethiopian government needs to arms the warriors Nuer White Armies (NWA) in order to stop this threats. This is the proxy war and one must looks for new allies and this suggestions is good for the Addis Ababa if they really wants to balance the equatio. Salva fears NWA and if he will know that the NWA becomes Addis Ababa new allies he will thinks about it and may stop offers military bases to Cairo inside South Sudan which are too dangerous to the Ethiopian government.

    • Yohannes belay
      November 6, 2019 4:00 am

      Now we are in 21th century not at stone age. As our president Sahlework Zewde says we Ethiopian need equal use of our common resource Nile river and bright our future. We still live in candlelight so we need light, we still wait rainfall for our farming process so we need irrigation. Egyptian people please open your eyes and shine our future together.nobody can’t get asset from war.

  • South Sudanese people have nothing to do with Ethiopia dam , we have not resolved our own internals conflicts so why should be jumping in to Ethiopia issued with the Egyptian people? The called meeting was to address the problem of South Sudan which has become a key sticking point in case to move on for peace agreement that is pending in there

    • Belting sapelo
      November 6, 2019 2:35 am

      We think we are brotherhood each other.if you government and people do this shit on our sovereign dam project we will see what happen next ……you will suffer a lot never happen before in South Sudan history

  • The problem is Ethiopian are greedy people since day one. Yeah, the were involved in 2013-2016 coup d’etat against the Kiir Government. Who train the Nuer commandoes who kill almost all teger division unit in 2016? Everybody now a day know the secret societies no matter what. Continue your vision but it has been discover.

    • Incase you don’t know history, Ethiopia’s Mengistu Hailemariam is the one who supported South Sudan’s struggle for independence. John Garang owes a lot to our former president. Even Salva Kiir confesses and is grateful of that.
      Ethiopians are not known for greed. They have their own dignity and respect others sovereignty.

    • The best thing we can do for the people of South Sudan is to bring this killer Kiir to Justice, it will happen soon.

    • May be the late Melese Zenawi( Like Seyoum Mesfin) group tried to make coup d’etat but this group is now out of power. The PM Abiy now in power and his group works peace for south Sudan. Please understand in this way the previous group were gambler they don’t worry about their people and east Africa. We are now brother living in the the same boarder rather than Egypt. the Dam is important for Ethiopia and also for south Sudan because South Sudan have no hydro power for electric. So this is the time to stand together for mutual benefit.

  • Do not be foolish. We, Ethiopians are not sleeping.If anybody wants war instead of negotiation, emmmm tell them we are ready to… But on this era advocating war does not benefit all.

  • As easy as this:
    Go to war and Ethiopia destroys Egypt in only a day by just flooding with no single munition used.
    No external threat is a threat to Ethiopia!

  • Alemu & Abebe, why is always Juba? What about Addis Ababa or Kampala or Cairo if any wipe off? Do they produce their own anti belistic messile or do they also buy from the west? Please don’t underestimate anybody without second thought! We are mighty Suoth Sudanese who can defense ourselves. Don’t make empty threat….every one has access to west or Russia!

    • if you conspire against ur milk mother , wipe out is a small term…

    • Can you defend Ethiopia troops?even you think that?it is not about messile,it is about patriotism it is about dignity!

    • A slip of the pen by Alemu. Sorry. about that but why is Kirr trying to create another problem to his people. South Sudan people need peace very badly since they have suffered enough. The war lords are fighting over the petro dollars they s ftom the nation and trying to buy as much time ad possible. Pro people and honest south Sudanese people have to fight for peace and say no to corruption and yes to real democracy and coexist with neighbors peacefully.

    • #makuer what does it mean are you supporting this conspiracy? OK let’s continue and you will see the Battle in your country. after all you can talk about anything you want.

  • Thank you James Moises, you are a panafrican HERO. Whatever happens, Ethiopia will finish what she start at any cost of life, time and money, conspiracy against each other is locking each others future, we africans always look like a “walking deads” and we deserve a walking AFRICA!!!

  • It would be ungrateful for South Sudan if it allies it self with Egypt. Ethiopia has been honest with South Sudan and helped it for its freedom. Ethiopian airlines was the only airline to help South Sudanese to go out of Egypt in order to participate in the referendum process. They will be ashamed of their deeds after we accomplish the building of the dam. As for Egypt, they don’t want Ethiopia use a drop of water while the latter produces about 85% of the Nile water. This is simply greediness and that comes out of undermining the rights of Ethiopia. We will see what comes next.

    • Mark Obohomoyyo Lominai
      November 6, 2019 7:41 am

      We South Sudanese need peace and freedom of mines, we had fought one of the longest wars in Africa starting from 1955 Torit mutiny with a short break of Addis Ababa agreement in 1972 ending 17 years civil unrest and kicked off again in 1983 and ended in 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement. South Sudanese Let us join hands together in love and unity to build our beloved new one nation and one people.

  • What about the Grand Karuma Falls Dam being built in Uganda on the Nile? What is the position of Egypt, South Sudan and Sudan about it?

  • You don’t know Ethiopians!!!

  • where did the “PanAfricanism” those black leaders talk about? and go around helping the country who is member of the “Arab” Parliament? if egypt attacks ethiopia, Its arabs against africans. In contrast, South Sudan currently shared borders with 5 or 6 countries, and the border it shares with ethiopia is the second longest only to sudan. Since ethiopia’s stability gives us to launch any attacks to south sudan without even lifting a finger. by lifting a finger i mean not exhausting resources on war and starve our people. Da! the tower of water i.e ethiopia will hold longer and distroy both countries if it comes to that.

  • Tesfaye Mengistu
    November 6, 2019 1:41 am

    Dear All,
    Ethiopia is trying to go far in negotiations just keep positive amity with Egypt and even crossed National Redline allowed third party to mediate on our National issue .
    1) If Egypt Destroy DAM – but we could easily slice nile tributaries and keep niles flow within ethiopia . To revert this Egypt should conduct total invasion of entire ethiopia with is impossible .
    2 ) egypt should be ready to pay yearly compensation that could value 6GW electric power

  • Ethiopia is trying to go far in negotiations just keep positive amity with Egypt and even crossed National Redline allowed third party to mediate on our National issue .
    1) If Egypt Destroy DAM – then we could easily slice nile tributaries and keep niles flow within ethiopia . To revert this Egypt should conduct total invasion of entire ethiopia which is impossible .
    2 ) egypt should be ready to pay yearly compensation that could value 6GW electric power

  • Every body knows Egypt will never want to see a stable Ethiopia in the history of time. that’s like general truth we shouldn’t be supersized or be frighted to claim whats ours . we should let Egypt know that we mean business and its Bullying days are over now. but the other two it is sad to see them fail in the trap and make their own people suffer for greed ………brothers its a coward thing to do . lets be progressive and work together to a better tomorrow

  • BTW! It means those people doesn’t have clue about who Ethiopians are.

    I believe, as a nation we don’t prefer to got to war with anyone. But, if we are left without a choice, we will be forced to defend our sovereign territory irrespective of whatever the resource is.

    Ethiopia as a country and Ethiopians as a nation, we have helped South Sudan to be South Sudan a country and I don’t believe that they work against Ethiopia at any cost.

    The solution won’t be war, negotiations would be the best for everyone.
    This is Africa, this is home, not fellow Africans, the Italian ‘FASCIST’ have tried to go to war with us and our feathers have wiped them out of the country and we are the one of the few none colonized country on the planet earth.

    We prefer peace, But try us if you want!
    God Bless Africa and Africans!

  • i never expect the people of South Sudan conspire against Ethiopia, i can call south Sudan to be the last country to become against Ethiopia, we have been with the people of South Sudan in good time and bad time, i see the people of south Sudan as my own nation not like neighbors, Yes it’s time for us to open our eyes see what’s going around us, one day we will see the butcher Salva Kiir will face justice.

  • the spy has forgotten the one additional person who is also working hand in hand with those people Ethiopian “Prime Minster ” Aby Ahmed.

  • It’s already known attempt.
    But why for Uganda? I didn’t believe it.

  • This motherfuckers; if they continue doing this we will fuck them up to their bottom.
    Ethiopians are not easy if you confront them with this kind of stupidity

  • 😂😂😂😂 we are ethiopia, we are ethiopians ask italy or read history about us. come and try it we may disappear you(egypt) and your allies in a day. 😡

  • ADWA ዛሬ ናት ADWA ትላንትም

  • It would be non sense going to war in the 21st century for the seek of greedness, and it will be costly for the ally. Rather they should have to support Our Motherland Ethiopia, which is the base for their existence.

  • Yetbarek workenh
    November 6, 2019 4:05 am

    Ethiopia have been defended by fire and blood of her children for thousands of years. Yes we are in internal unrest but trust me if war broke between Ethiopia and those greedy leaders millions in my country would be ready to kill, to die, to wipe you all out if need be. Learn some history you will know what I’m talking about.

  • war??? … i don think this is a solution in 21st century. but one thing Egypt has to know is that we “might not” have the equivalent military power with her but we have a one click atomic bomb … THE DAM IT SELF.
    watch out.

  • Egypt is working day and night to make Ethiopia busy internally through financing people like Jawar mohammed and externally through diplomatic pressure

  • Its not strange for Egypt to be such stupid. But it will be so hurting if S.Sudan and Uganda are helping Egypt against Ethiopia.

  • We will use nile for irrigation and slice it not to flow outside ethiopia. We want to produce more than once per year .
    Using Nile for Dam is actually the safest option for Egypt

  • I don’t understand why Egypt is selfish ,once the dum is full the same amount of water overflow to Nile ,

  • We helped them to became a country. So, they will always remember that.

    • We Ethiopian are always the same by the time Enemies are trying to attack the blessed country Ethiopia and It’s better to look our history we Ethiopians believe in God and always God with us. Do not try to do anything this is sovereignty

  • Its better to cool down such states who stand against Ethiopia. I think war will not only be between them rather between USA and Israel

  • Those south Sudanese think like that they can’t see what’s next I feel sorry for Ethiopians to be counted with those them.

  • We are not South Sudan or the stupid Arabians we are the SIMOBOLE of Freedom and representative of Black African so try it we fought for your freedom once and we will fight for free our selves from your domination in East Africa try us and we show you our hands like we do at “dogale,” Before hundred years ago

  • Dear Egyptians… How u doin there
    Let me remind u this…
    ” You are not stronger than your grandfathers
    We are not weaker than our fathets” dont you believe me!? Ha…
    Dear Uganda and South Sudan…
    Let me tell you this…
    ” We will see who shall DIE first”

  • Ethiopia gov should try all his bests to compelete the operation to avoid the scorpion kiir unless,the Consicouns will be terifying

  • Egyptians….
    Ypu are not stronger than ypu granfathers
    We are not weaker than our fathers.
    Ugandians amd South Sidanese
    ” We will see who shall die first”


  • Zekarias Fikadu
    November 6, 2019 10:25 am

    This is madness! What the hell is this??? This is the time we have to collaborate and lead our continent to the top! You all knows that there is no profit from war rather than to go to the hell each other. Approximately we all have the same lifestyle and what we need to do is collaboration.Please those who called leaders! Give us peace and good hope! Why you couldn’t defeat your selfishness??? Work for people peace and happiness because all people deserve that.

  • None stop us from using our natural resource in freindly manner not hurting everyone but plwase donot forget My Country Ethiopia is the source of 85% of the blue Nile and why do you be greedy and selfish?

  • No one stop us from using our natural resource in freindly manner not hurting everyone but plwase donot forget My Country Ethiopia is the source of 85% of the blue Nile and why do you be greedy and selfish?

  • I’m Ethiopian and lived in South Sudan for 4 years. People of South Sudan considers Ethiopians as brothers, we played key roles for them to gain independence. We welcomed them to Ethiopia when no one was willing to give them refuge. I don’t believe South Sudan would do something that hurts Ethiopian’s interest.

  • Musevini was the first defender of the dam when a Saudi army general bragged to wage war against Ethiopia now he is turning his back on us? Why is he even putting his nose in South Sudan’s affairs? However 1000% sure this has a push from within Ethiopia. So the fight must start within first. Thank you so much for the info my African brothers.

  • Oh, I’ve never thought that South Sudan would do something like this. Conspiring on Ethiopia? Even that old man of Uganda should stop cooperating with Egypt to stop the dam to be completed. Don’tchu ever forget Nile is ours and we have every right to use it. Egypt should have thanked Ethiopia for not deciding to use the water for irrigation. Now she wants to start war with Ethiopia who have been filling their belly for centuries by letting the Nile flow without any attempt of stopping it for centuries? I tell u this, try us and you will get a good lesson. And South Sudan will regret. The battle ground will be there.

  • Oh, I’ve never thought that South Sudan would do something like this. Conspiring on Ethiopia? Even that old man of Uganda should stop cooperating with Egypt to stop the dam to be completed. Don’tchu ever forget Nile is ours and we have every right to use it. Egypt should have thanked Ethiopia for not deciding to use the water for irrigation. Now she wants to start war with Ethiopia who have been filling their belly for centuries by letting the Nile flow without any attempt of stopping it? I tell u this, try us and you will get a good lesson. And South Sudan will regret. The battle ground will be there.

  • Girum B Wondemagegn
    November 6, 2019 3:17 pm

    You don’t know Ethiopia. Our fathers were fighting for your independence, is this how you repay us?? Look, my only advise for you is not to stand against Ethiopia because we never fail on wars, you can check our history. You will be panished for every and each mistake that you have ever made in the future.

  • Nonsense South Sudan knows who to join in the Biblical foretold war ( I don’t wish for a war) but just in case. Read the Bible and have a good understanding!

  • After the The Grand Renaissance Dam, South Sudan to construct even bigger Dam The Great Fulla Dam on the white Nile. The owners of Nile waters have decided to withhold their free donations until the beggar goes on their knees!

  • “Dead Men Tells No Tales” ⚠ Warning to the fellow S. Sudanese & Uganda.

    “Where there is a will, there is a way” Napoleon Bonaparte, used this quote by the time he instructs his troops.

    And Almighty God saw how Godless the nation has become and he wiped out the whole Earth with flood. But Noah and his family survived in a boat. ⚠ Warning to the Pharaohs.

    I wasn’t surprised when I heard that the two fake wannabe neighbors are united to destroy Ethiopia, either by diplomatic means or war.

    We all know who is behind this conspiracy, from JFK assassination to the 9/11 attack, be not surprise when it knocks on our doorstep. The NSA, CIA, MOSAD, these organizations have been puppets for the 13th powerful families. It’s naive to guess who is part of this family. The Rockefeller, The Rothschild, Masons, Free Masons and so on.

    They have already made their intentions crystal clear by craving their mission on gigantic rocks with 12 different languages. You may think I sound stupid because most of the sheep society is opinionated rather doing their own research like I did.

    Take a recent example, Lybia, Iraq, Yemen, Syria before USA and after USA, or at it’s finest term Before & After FREEDOM.

    Be advised that none of these societies cared about our existence. They want to wipeout planet earth to its last atom. Financing against war and tribalism. First and foremost, they designed a virus called Ebola & AIDS as well as Cancer to minimize the people worldwide. This has already been written on the book of revelation, all you’ve to do is read.

    Okay! To recap, these people would do anything to suppress our coexistence by using their occult attitude towards us. We have to anticipate in order to apprehend the situation critical to create a delicate balance with the neighborhood countries.

    As for me, war is not a solution rather it’s a tragedy. As my fellow Ethiopians, they have said it all by all means necessary. All the mechanism of using our own natural nuclear weapon (Nile Itself). Or cut the flow of water.

    I feel sorry for the puppets used by the Egyptian government a.k.a. Uganda & S. Sudan. You two are alive because Ethiopian’s have been fighting with you. Once you destroy Ethiopia (which is impossible) but as for now, you don’t have a guarantee that Cairo will turn her weapon against you and you’ll forever bow down to Egypt. You’ll be the 21st slave by the Arabs.

    You didn’t think about that because your brain is dead and you’re failed to think critically.

    And as for my fellow citizens of Ethiopia, most of you have no reason to follow or object a government.

    “It’s the first duty of every citizen to question authority” Benjamin Franklin. You don’t need to accept authority passively. I mean our current PM have already used his power effectively and efficiently in a short amount of time between here and there. He has already possessed almost a million dollar which could be enough for him to flee with his family, but I feel pity for the rest sheep society who accept authority blindly.

    Don’t make it labyrinthine the fact that our internal instability is funded by the Cairo’s congress.

    Anyway, this thing has been around for centuries, but when it comes to outsiders, I like it we stand together, we are united.

    History will repeat itself!
    Don’t wake the giant! he is sleeping not dead!
    All it takes is pull the trigger!
    Don’t let Americans fulfill their destiny by turning one with another.
    War is not a solution!
    The leaders will lose nothing! But their nation will do. And imagine how many lives is out at stake.
    Let’s be wise and humble.

    Long live the one who bring out the NEWS! we need more men like you and less men like Alsisi and his allies.

  • Please r Egyptian don’t think you will win, juba kirr from now on you are a prisoner Uganda leader you are kicking against the prick. You conspirators you are both condemned

  • “Dead Men Tell No Tales” ⚠ Warning to the fellow S. Sudanese & Uganda.

    “Where there is a will, there is a way” Napoleon Bonaparte, used this quote by the time he instructs his troops. And Ethiopia has her will as well as her way.

    And Almighty God saw how Godless the nation has became and wiped out with flood from the face of the earth. But Noah and his family survived in a boat. Are you ready to feel the thunder?
    ⚠ Warning to the Pharaohs. Be advised that once Nile River flow with full potential in high speed, Egypt will be legend, just like Atlantis. Mark my word.

    I wasn’t surprised when I heard that the two fake wannabe neighbors (Uganda & South Sudan) are united against Ethiopia, either by diplomatic means or war.

    We all know who is behind this conspiracy, from JFK assassination to the 9/11 attack, do not surprise when it knocks on our doorstep. The NSA, CIA, MOSAD, these organizations have been puppets for the 13th powerful families for centuries. It’s clear to guess who is part of this family. The Rockefeller, The Rothschild, Masons, Free Masons and so on. Some control the bank others control the fuel and media.

    They have already made their intentions crystal clear by craving their mission on gigantic rocks with 12 different languages. You may think I sound stupid because most of you sheep society are opinionated rather than doing your own research, like I did.

    Take a recent example, Lybia, Iraq, Yemen, Syria before USA and after USA, or at it’s finest term Before & After FREEDOM.

    You should know that none of these societies cared about our existence. They want to wipeout planet earth to its last atom. Financing both sides of a war since Benito Mussolini, and tribalism. First and foremost, they designed a virus called Ebola & AIDS as well as Cancer to minimize the population worldwide. This has already been written on the book of revelation, and visible if you open your mind.

    To recap, these people would do anything to suppress our coexistence by using their occult attitude towards us. We have to anticipate in order to apprehend the situation critical and create a delicate balance with the neighborhood countries.

    As for me, war is not a solution rather it’s a tragedy, a disaster. As my fellow Ethiopians, they have said it all by all means necessary. All the mechanism of using our own natural nuclear weapon (Nile Itself). Or cut the flow of water.

    I feel sorry for the puppets a.k.a. Uganda & S. Sudan whom used by the Egyptian government . You two are alive because Ethiopian’s have been fighting with you. Once you destroy Ethiopia (which is impossible) but as for now, you don’t have a guarantee that Cairo will turn her weapon against you and you’ll forever bow down to Egypt. You’ll be the 21st slave by the Arabs. The only reason you’re free is because Ethiopia (Land of Heroic Legends) is still taking good care of the horn African affairs.

    You didn’t think about that because your brain is dead and you’re failed to think critically. Simply, you run out of rational argument.

    And as for my fellow citizens of Ethiopia, most of you have no reason to follow or object a government. You just go with the flow. Only dead fish go with the flow. Whenever something good or bad happens, learn to question the terms and conditions, don’t just go around with flock. Be reasonable! Be smart! I know most of you Ethiopians who’re giving comments in this section are by far the smartest ones unlike the rest of cowards and brain dead’s who are craving for CIVIL WAR. I don’t need civil war, because it feeds the rich while it buries the poor.

    “It’s the first duty of every citizen to question authority” Benjamin Franklin. You don’t need to accept authority passively. I guess blaming people doesn’t solve our problems. But this is a wake up call.

    Don’t make it labyrinthine the fact that our internal instability is funded by the Egyptian government.

    Anyway, this thing has been around for centuries, but when it comes to outsiders, I like it we stand together because TOGETHER WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. Share this for awareness.

    History is going to repeat itself! Don’t wake the giant! he is sleeping not dead!
    All it takes is pull the trigger! Don’t let the whites fulfill their destiny by turning one another.
    #WAR is not a solution! PERIOD! But if it comes to our sovereignty, we will fight until one man & one sword left.

    The leaders will lose nothing! But their nation will do. And imagine how many lives is at stake. Let’s be wise and humble.

    Adam & Eve doesn’t have a race type of shit. This is for all humanity. We are one until politics, race, religion divided us. Spread awareness!

    And last but not least, Long live to the one who bring out the NEWS! we need more men like you and less men like El-sisi and his allies.

  • ነገረኛ ምጣድ በጀርባየ ዞሮ
    እንዴት ጥላት ብቻ ሆኛለሁ ዘንድሮ!
    “The Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, South Sudanese President Salva Kiir are conspiring against Ethiopia to make sure Ethiopian mega project Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam does not go forward,” he explains, adding, “

    ኡጋንዳና ሱዳንም ጊዜ ሰጠን ብለዉ በሚኒሊክ ባድማ ላይ ሲያሴሩ ከመስማት በላይ ምን መናናቅ አለ !

  • “no any force stop constructing our dam” Dr Abiy Ahmed PM ,this is the voice and slogans of 100 million peoples of Ethiopia.any one know Ethiopian peoples what we do. this is the modern era it is not time conflict and war. all lower basin countries should be understand what do mean the Renaissance Dam to Ethiopian people. it is our second victory of Adawa . we never compromise like this victory. we are ready for every thing but peace is our first principle. you remember treaty of 1929. it indicate 100% selfish of Egypt. we are ownership of >85% over blue Nile. the act of Egypt is like baby cray to get nothing have. the only alternative of Egypt is negotiate peacefully and support Ethiopian green development movement to decease water scarcity of at the source. Uganda and south Sudan can support to Egypt by any means but they know the right one. they are nothing the role them to Ethiopia , we have good medicine to Uganda and s. Sudan. now Nile become to the home and mother land. we answered the complain of Nile. for along time Nile asked to come home land . together we can !!! no ear on Renaissance Dam !!


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