Darfur Pushed Further Into the Shadows: In Two Parts (Part 2)

Contrived and Disingenuous Optimism by African Union and UN Officials

By Eric Reeves
July 27, 2011

July 28, 2011 (SSNA) — Part 2: The section comprises a lengthy collection of dispatches from Radio Dabanga, giving a true sense of the lives led by Darfuris, including continual attacks on rural populations as well the millions displaced internally and as refugees in eastern Chad. The collection proceeds roughly backwards in chronological order, although there is some grouping by subject matter (occasionally other news sources are cited to give further context to what Radio Dabanga has reported). It is quite long, but I cannot apologize for including so much, even as it is only a portion of what has been reported by Radio Dabanga. Virtually none of these accounts have been assessed by UNAMID.

And yet these accounts give us our best sense of the lives Darfuris actually live, not those statistically contrived misrepresentations proffered by the UN and found sufficient by those content to see Darfur"de-coupled" from larger concerns in Sudan. They tell of lives filled with violence, including brutal sexual violence, cruel deprivation, constant fear, and a powerful sense of loss—of family members and friends who have perished, of their villages and lands, and ultimately their way of life. They feel, understandably, that the world has forgotten them and simply doesn’t care enough about their suffering to end it—or even to mitigate it through meaningful pressure on the Khartoum regime.

• Army attacks in North Darfur kill five civilians
El Fasher (July 26, 2011)
The Sudan Liberation Movement-Minni Minawi (SLM-MM) states, that the government of North Darfur is holding a military campaign in large areas of North Darfur. The SLM-MM reported attacks in five villages, namely Gazangedi, Muhajariya, UmlaWye, Wehijara and Zaghawa Lmo. The attacks have lasted a full week, and are still continuing. The SLM-MM said in a statement, that the government has been conducting a military campaign against civilians, and their property in their villages. According to the SLM-MM statement, government assaults had killed five civilians, and had wounded others. There were also people missing, and some were arrested. The names of the five people that were killed are: Abeher Mersal, Nuradam Goma, Sheikh Abu Hamara from Menouashi and two herders, SalimSenin and Abakr Ibrahim Fadl. An Antonov government aircraft bombed the Tibraarea, according to the SLM-MM statement…. A witness on the ground confirmed to Radio Dabanga that these attacks occurred, and told, that the military campaign by the government is ongoing. This witness told, that the army came with around 40 Landcruisers and three tanks, which can hold 150 to200 troops. (emphasis added)


•Voluntary Repatriation: 7 families found in a critical state
WEST DARFUR, July 26, 2011)
Meanwhile, 7 families who came back to the Guido region in the framework of the Sudanese Government’s voluntary repatriation initiative were found in an extremely worrying state. Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that they were part of 25 families who left Kalma Camp (South Darfur) as a part of the Voluntary Return program. However, the journey was too dangerous, and 18 families were forced to travel back to their original camp in Southern Darfur. Furthermore, they reported to Radio Dabanga that the remaining families did not receive any support from the province of West Darfur, even though it organized the deportation. They now call for international action to save these families, who are currently in a critical state.

• In the same Radio Dabanga dispatch: Complaining farmers from Guido Camp (near Garsila, West-Darfur) pointed out the deliberate destruction of their farms by shepherds. According to them, the shepherds intentionally set out their cows in the farms, setting chaos and destructing their properties. Protesters are immediately beaten up, and women are raped, making them reluctant to return to their fields. Several female farmers reported the incidents to the local authorities, but no action was apparently taken. They now call on UNAMID and the United Nations to provide them with the necessary protection. ("Guido Region: reports of farmer attacks, rapes and failed repatriations," Radio Dabanga, July 26, 2011)

• Gunmen cause mayhem in Bakarcilla mountains camp
El Geneina (24 July 2011)
Saturday night, some unknown gunmen stormed an IDP camp in Bakarcilla mountains (West Darfur) and they fired in the air, for hours. No casualties have been reported, so far, which may be due to the extreme panic the shooting caused to displaced people, not daring to seek help. On Sunday, gunmen stormed a Norwegian run hospital, which is located between the camps of mountains and DBP. A witness told Radio Dabanga, that the perpetrators looted the hospital and got away to an unknown destination. (emphasis added)
• Twenty families escape militia attacks in Nertiti camp
Nertiti (24 July 2011)
Twenty families fled from Nertiti camp to Zalingei camp in West Darfur, after repeated attacks by militias. Coordinator of the Zalingei camps, told Radio Dabanga from camp Hamidiya, that new displacements are being caused by militia attacks, as well as by members of the uniformed services. These attacks include sexual assault and abuses at farms. He told Radio Dabanga, that, this month, the two camps (north and south) near the city of Nertiti, have seen armed militias takeover in the territory of the displaced.
• Food and fuel prices in Darfur soar
El Geneina (22 July 2011)
Prices of food and fuel are soaring in the three states of Darfur, merchants made clear in a poll with Radio Dabanga. Higher prices caused the increase of transportation and travel costs, to and from Khartoum, and between capitals of states and localities. The rain season has also caused higher prices. Citizens of the Darfur States have demanded a quick intervention from government authorities. They ask the authorities to ease high prices, especially now that the month of Ramadan (starting August 1) is nearing. The majority of the region’s inhabitants is poor, and many people are already weak as a result of their displacement, homelessness and unemployment. [Such food inflation in a food-insecure environment is an extremely troubling sign, indicating that households are having to spend more and more of total income on food alone—ER]
•Continuous pillages in Foro Baranga
Foro Baranga (21 July 2011)
Citizens from the Village of Alaadarh, in the locality of Foro Baranga, are currently complaining of continuous looting and pillages on their way to and from the market. According to witnesses, these are particularly frequent on the trade routes between the Foro Baranga, Bindissi and Bir Ammar. The raids are apparently the work of armed groups wearing military uniforms, usually on motorized vehicles, camels or horses, they told Radio Dabanga.
• Armed militias seize farms near Garsila, West-Darfur
Garsila (19 July 2011)
Radio Dabanga was informed by a female refugee that displaced women from Garsila, West Darfur, are currently complaining about armed militias who apparently seized their farms, thus preventing their cultivation. The witness indicated that a group of the militia went to the Gedo, Gallinja andGang Kosi areas, where several shepherds bring their herds, to take their land and set up their own farms with the Government’s support.
• Humanitarian and political situations cause tensions in Darfur’s camps
El-Fasher (20 July 2011)
 Leaders of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) said in a meeting with the UNAMID police chief that if UNAMID is to keep up with its mission to ensure the security of the Displaced, no groups advocating for the Doha agreement should be granted entry to the camps. One of the Sheikhs reminded UNAMID of the confrontations that took place between IDPs last year in the wake of the Second Doha Meeting, since which 6 leaders of Displaced People are living under the protection of the UNAMID headquarters. The Sheikh continued that UNAMID should not allow the same mistake to be repeated, and asked for caution in this matter, as astrong animosity against the Doha text remains in the camps. [emphasisadded]
• Worrying humanitarian situation in Tawila camps
El-Fasher(July 20, 2011) The Displaced People from the Tawila camps (West of El Fasher,North Darfur) pointed out their deteriorating living conditions, as no food rations have been delivered to them since April. These circumstances are especially worrying considering the upcoming arrival of fall, as well as the rapidly climbing food prices. "They have reached an unprecedented height," they told Radio Dabanga, "the price of one kilo of meat has risen from 15 to 25 pounds, while the price of a pound of sugar climbed up to2500 pounds. Globally, living costs have increased of 25%."
• Detained UN worker at risk of torture in Sudan
Amnesty International Press Release, July 19, 2011
Amnesty International has urged Sudanese authorities to ensure that a UN worker being held in South Darfur is not subjected to torture and is given immediate access to his family and any needed medical care.  Idris Yousef Abdelrahman, a civil affairs officer from the UN/African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) based in Nyala, was charged on 12 July with "undermining the constitutional system" and "waging war against the state." Both crimes are punishable by death under Sudanese law. He had gone missing in late April after being called to a meeting with the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS), which on 10 May confirmed his detention. NISS detainees have frequently reported being tortured and ill-treated. "For more than two months, the Sudanese intelligence agency has held Idris Yousef Abdelrahman without giving him access to his family or medical treatment, and there is a legitimate concern he is at risk of torture," said Erwin VanDer Borght, Amnesty International’s Africa Programme Director.

"This is unacceptable, and his arrest and charging violates the Sudanese government’s agreement with the UN over the treatment of UN workers accused of committing a criminal offence."

• Low flying fighter planes cause anxiety in Kalma Camp
Nyala (17 July 2011)
Saturday, displaced people of Kalma Camp, near Nyala, were shaken and afraid, after a MiGand an Antonov plane flew very low over the camp for no less than two hours. This was reported to Radio Dabanga by the Sheikh of Kalma Camp. He said that, people were especially afraid, in the light of the recent signing of the Doha Agreement. The Sheikh told Radio Dabanga, that the incident was discussed with UNAMID, and that he had urged them to take some appropriate actions.

Similarly, last Thursday, the Sudanese Air Force carried out massive bombings in the AbuHamara Linda and Mnoashy. Today, eyewitnesses told Radio Dabanga the following. During this raid, citizen Howa Mohammed got severely injured, after which she was evacuated to Nyala hospital for treatment. Nine year old Osman Abakar disappeared during the bombings, and is still missing. Many farmers have not dared to return to their farms yet, as they fear the bombings will resume.

• Witnesses: Sudan Armed Forces resumed bombing Darfur
Khor Abeche (15 July 2011)
The Sudanese Armed Force resumed air assaults on different areas in provinces of North and South Darfur on Wednesday. Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that herdsmen and farmers in Mnoacy, Marshenq, Khor Abeche and the Hamada forests in South Darfur fled their villages. They left their cattle unattended and took refuge in the mountains and valleys, after hearing the sound of shelling and seeing smoke. These witnesses reported fatal casualties, loss of property and livestock. Due to the continuous shelling by Antonovs, and missile attacks, from early morning until the evening, witnesses from Mnoacy [sic] could not determine the exact numbers of losses. Similarly, witnesses from the Eastern mountains reported massive bombings by Antonovs, yesterday morning. Mohammed Ahmed Jacob, secretary of Humanitarian Affairs of the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) asserted that the bombings were directed at Kerubino. Abouhmrh Linda and Abokora commented that the air attacks led to the burning of several houses in the valley, and to the death of a huge number of livestock.
• Nocturnal attacks cause panicin Zamzam camp
El Fasher (15 July 2011)
Yesterday night, from ten o’clock until the early hours of today, the Zamzam camp near ElFasher was subjected to gun attacks. Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that the attacks were carried out by forces of the central police reserves. Witnesses told Radio Dabanga, that the noise of the blasts and firing, by both small and larger firearms, caused intense panic and fear among the displaced. Especially, children and women were extremely distressed, and they sought shelter with family, throughout the night. A displaced person told Radio Dabanga, that they fear new violent outbursts, especially after the signing of the Doha Peace Agreement, which took place yesterday.
• Two killed, two wounded, six children kidnapped SW of Nyala
Nyala (17 July 2011)
The Commissioner of Al Salam Locality reported, that two people got killed, two got wounded, and six children, under the age of ten, were kidnapped, following an attack by unknown assailants, possibly from the Tarjem tribe, in Kasara al Buram area, southwest of Nyala. Al Tahir Mohammed and Ibrahim Ali Ma’allah died in this incident, and Mohammed Noor and Hamid Hassan were wounded. The six children that were kidnapped are: Zaki Ibrahim Soliman, Abdullahi Musa Nahar, Yusuf AdamYusuf, Mustafa Jaber Al-Tahir, Daoud Hamid Ibrahim Minawi, and Fatuma MohamedMoussa, daughter of Hamid Mustafa Baraka. The attack was, allegedly, carried out by the Tarjem tribe. It seems that the attack was to prevent employees of the Zaghawa tribe to work on farms in the area of Kasara al Buram.
• Farmers in Darfur attacked by Arab herdsmen
Sirba (15 July 2011)
A number of farmers in Sirba, western Darfur, in the Dinda, Ardeba and Goseget areas, took severe beatings, underwent torture and humiliation by armed groups, last week, witnesses told Radio Dabanga. The farmers were beaten by Arab herders, who used rifles, sticks and whips, when the farmers went to work at their farms. A number of the wounded farmers had to be transported to Geneina hospital, for treatment. The farmers told how these armed groups wanted to expel them, threatening them with death upon return. The armed groups claim the lands for themselves. Witnesses told Radio Dabanga, that they had raised the issue with Sirba Commissioner Abdullah Hamdan, but that he had not taken any actions.
• Khartoum threatens NGOs in South Kordofanand Darfur with expulsion
Sudan Tribune (July 11, 2011)
North Sudan’s secretary for the political sector threatened Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) operating in Kordofan and Darfur with penalties or expulsion on Monday. Gudbi-Al Mahadi, of Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) is reported by the pro-Khartoum Sudanese Media Centre as threatening NGOs with "legal penalties" and "halting of activities" as somewere "found providing logistical support to insurgents." No evidence was provided to support the allegations against the NGOs. But officials from the ruling party said they do not want a repeat in South Kordofan of the large humanitarian presence and the creation of camps for the displaced civilians, as has happened in Darfur.
•Activists: Meltdown of humanitarian situation in Kalma Camp
Nyala (11 July 2011)
An activist from Kalma Camp, South Darfur, told Radio Dabanga that seasonal rain will severely worsen humanitarian conditions. Diseases will widely spread, causing diarrhea, as people drink rainwater because they lack proper water and sanitation. Additionally, the camps are not sprayed properly, while distribution of Mosquito nets and tarpaulins is insufficient. Moreover, injuries are not treated properly, and malnutrition is omnipresent, as food quotas have dropped to a 25% of daily needs. The number of people without food cards has risen dramatically, due to an increase of births, but mainly because no food cards have been issued since 2005.
• 11 Kalma Camp IDPs deported to prison, witnesses reveal
Nyala (13 July 2011)
The displaced people of Kalma camp revealed that eleven people who were arrested from the camp and taken to the prison of the security bureau in Nyala, have been deported to Kobar Prison in Hai Korean south of Nyala on Tuesday. A Sheikh revealed to radio Dabanga that they had been detained for at least 3 months by the Security Services before their transfer to the prison. During this period none of them was granted a trial. Among them was the International Medical Authority representative Jibril Ahmed Mohammed Noreen.
• Nyala-North water crisis
Nyala (11 July 2011)
Citizens of Nyala-North face an increasing shortage of drinking water, with the price of a barrel rising to 14 pounds. Saturday, youth took to the streets in a neighborhood, demanding the minister to step down, a local resident told Radio Dabanga. The authorities have not done anything to resolve this shortage, as the crisis enters its third week. Nyala-North official Sorour Ahmed Abdallah acknowledges the water crisis, explaining that Nyala does not get its drinking water from the city ground water, but from the Valley. Each year, in the beginning of January, the Valley dries up, which cannot solely be solved by rainfall or the project Nyala Baggara Basin.
• 6 killed in attack by armed group, in South Darfur
Nyala (12 July 2011)
Six people met their fate in Gureida in South Darfur after an attack launched by an armed group riding a Land Cruiser car. Lieutenant General Abdulla AwadShaqf, the head of the consultation committee of the Masalit tribe said in a press statement on Sunday that the six people who were killed were from his tribe and were attacked when they were in their farms in Gureida. He also stated that the attacking armed group were on board of a Land Cruiser and fled after the attack to Sarqila which is under Talas district and added that a problem has risen between his tribe and another which he accused of occupying their lands after a number of the members of the other tribe left their village and moved to camps in Gureida.
• Crimes committed by militia in Saak-Alnaam, say witnesses
El Fasher (6 July 2011)
Various crimes have been committed last week by local militia in the city of Saak-Alnaam, South-East of El-Fasher, according to several witnesses. The soldiers apparently stormed into the local boys’ and girls’ schools, where they raped and beat a number of teachers and students. "They also took their belongings and looted the property" reported the escapees, who walked for two days in order to reach El-Fasher, where they talked with Radio Dabanga. After the raid, the militia reportedly arrested the directors of both establishments, and put them to death in front of the school population. The pupils and their teachers where then screened and abused according to their ethnicity.
• RPG grenade kills achild near Adila, South-Darfur
Adila (6 July 2011)
The explosion of an RPG grenade on Monday led to the death of one child and wounded another in the neighborhood of Adila, South-Darfur. A witness told Radio Dabanga that the two children were playing next to a farm when they found the weapon lying on the ground. Mistaking it for an iron piece, they started inserting small farming tools in it, leading to the explosion. The first child died instantly, while the other sustained critical injuries in his hand and foot. He was taken to El Daein city for treatment.
• Complaints of lack of shelters in El Geneina refugee camps
EL GENEINA (3 July 2011)
The displaced people of camps in El Geneina complained of a severe shortage intents with the beginning of the rainy season and some displaced people said that what was provided was not sufficient for even a quarter of the residents of the camps. They are complaining of negligence and severe shortages in food, health services and security. The displaced people appealed to organizations to offer tents to the displaced who mostly live in semi-open spaces.
• Fear of fire inArdabh camp
Ardabh Camp (5 July, Radio Dabanga)
Yesterday, a soldier from the Sudanese armed forces broke into the camp of Ardabh (Garsila area, West Darfur). He fired over 20 bullets, then threatened to burn the camp down. According to the camp’s Sheikh, who spoke with Radio Dabanga, the menace brought panic among the refugees, who started to flee thecamp. Many children were among them. The soldier was apparently looking for his ex-wife, and started shooting bullets when he was unable to find her. He was finally taken away by one of his supervisors.
• WFP fails to assist hundreds of Darfur families in Tawila
TAWILA (29 June 2011)
Four hundred and twenty-three (423) families who fled from Shangil Tobaya, WadiMarra, Korkolah, Hashaba and villages to the west of Tabit and who went toTawila are still suffering from difficult humanitarian conditions. Witnesses said that these refugees did not receive any relief from the World Food Program (WFP) and were not given tents with which to face the rainy season. The displaced people appealed to the international community and relief organizations to take steps to help the newly displaced people in the area of Tawila.
• Man killed collecting wood; convoy attacked in Shearia killing one
KUTUM/SHEARIA (30 June 2011)
Adam Elshiekh, the sheikh a suburb of Kutum called Korkoi, was killed after being attacked by local militias closely affiliated to the government, according to witnesses from the area. Sheikh Adam was on his way to get firewood when the incident that took his life occurred. Meanwhile, in South Darfur, an armed robbery was carried out by an unknown armed group on Tuesday in Shearia, leading to the killing of one person and the imprisonment of another who were on a convoy accompanying commercial vehicles. Sources stated that there are steps being taken by the civilians to trace the robbers.
• UN official "shocked" by conditions in Darfur camp for displaced
UN News Center (24 June 2011)
A high-ranking United Nations human rights official today said she was shocked at the conditions of a camp for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Darfur and called for renewed international concern with the situation in the war-torn Sudanese region. Kyung-wha Kang, the UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights visited the Zamzam IDP camp, which lies on the outskirts of El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur state, and is home to more than 100,000 people."I think the concern of the international community should be to comeback. I think it has dissipated quite a bit. Especially, here with so many new people coming in to settle," she said. Earlier this week the joint UN-African Union peacekeeping mission (UNAMID) reported violent clashes near Shangil Tobaya in North Darfur that forced about 1,000 people from their homes."The UN system, protection cluster and humanitarian assistance set-up is trying as best as it can, but the challenge is just so enormous," Ms. Kang said. "I’ve seen many camps in many countries. But this is just on a totally different scale."(emphasis added)
• Camp leaders in North Darfur say tents are needed ahead of rains
ZAMZAM CAMP (18 June 2011)
The leading figures in Zamzam camp called on the United Nations, humanitarian organizations, and UNAMID to offer them tents for tens of thousands of displaced people living in semi-open shelters. They said this is critical given the beginning of the rainy season. One of the leading figures of the camp told Radio Dabanga that the organizations that are working in the camp informed them that they cannot provide tents to more than twenty per cent of the people of the camp.
• Raiders steal 53sheep north of Kutum, kill pursuer
KUTUM (18 June 2011)
An armed group riding horses and camels robbed 53 sheep from their herder at Masameer, north of Kutum, then killed one of the pursuers who followed the mattempting to recover the herd. Mohammed Yusuf, a civilian, joined a group of men who went to pursue the raiders after the shepherd was robbed. The raiders shot at the group, killing Mohammed Yusuf. Witness told Radio Dabanga that Yusuf’s group came back and informed the police of Kutum of what happened but the police did not take any action to track down the robbers.
• 6 women in Tawila, 1 in Zalingei raped by government militia
TAWILA/ZALINGEI (15 June 2011)
Armed men belonging to a militia closely affiliated to the government raped six refugee women from Rwanda camp in Tawila, in an area lying between the market and the camp. The rapists attacked women on 8 June and 10 June. The incident started when the armed men threatened to kill two of girls at sunset on 8 June as they were on their way back to the camp from the market, if they would not give in to the demands of the gunmen. The two girls were raped by the armed men and then taken to the camp in critical condition. The UNAMID was informed of the incident and witnesses reported that two days after the first rape, four other girls were raped in a similar manner as they were on their way to the well to bring water. The witnesses said that after the two incidents, the armed men tortured and beat a group of female displaced people who were transferred to the hospital for treatment. They also stated that UNAMID was informed of the incident and the witnesses appealed to the United Nations and Security Council to interfere to stop the rapes and protect the women and displaced people of Darfur.

• Meanwhile in Zalingei, West Darfur, four armed men abducted one of the young girls from Andru village which lies ten kilometers from Zalingei on Saturday and raped her repeatedly and then released her on Sunday. A donkey cart and a donkey was also robbed from the displaced person Kaltouma Ahmed Mohammed by three gunmen as she was on her way from the agricultural fields to Hamidiya camp in Zalingei. Osman Omar Hassan was also shot near block five in Hassahissa camp and a witness said that all these events took place on Saturday.

• Darfur woman abducted by gunmen from camp at Seraf Omra
SERAF OMRA (14 June 2011)
Three armed men in military uniforms abducted the displaced person RashidaHassan Adam Issa from Donkoy camp in Seraf Omra on Thursday evening. One of the relatives Rashida said that the gunmen entered the house of Rashida’s family which was on the eastern side of the camp and led her westwards toward SerafOmra at gunpoint. The relative also added that the family of the abducted woman had filed a complaint with the police but the police did not carry out any action.
• Five women missing near Kutum after flight from gunmen
KUTUM (14 June 2011)
The residents of Jebel Mari, which lies to south of Kutum, said that armed men on two Land Cruisers and wearing military uniforms chased five women who were gathering firewood. An eyewitness stated that the women, who were from the village of Hashaba, ran away to escape. Up to now, the residents of the area could not find them despite that all residents searched the area. The witness also stated that they have reported to the police but the police told them to wait without carrying out any procedures.
• Eight (8) womenraped by armed militia
El Geneina (6 June 2011)
An armed militia closely affiliated to the government raped eight displaced women from Kirending camp in west Darfur when they were on their way to gather wood on Thursday. Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that the displaced women were subjected to rape collectively at gunpoint and beaten with sticks and rifle ends. The raped women were transferred to Geneina hospital in critical physical and psychological situation to receive treatment and said that they were threatened with physical torture if they would testify with any information to any human rights organization or news agency.
• Three women beaten, stabbed, raped by gunmen in North Darfur
KASSAB CAMP (9 June 2011)
An unknown armed group raped three female displaced people from Kassab Camp inKubum, North Darfur. The attack on Tuesday targeted three women aged fifteen, twenty and twenty-five years old. The women were first severely beaten with sticks, whips, and rifle butts. They were also stabbed with knives in their thighs. The person who was accompanying them was also subjected to beating. The person said that he was accompanying his relatives to get firewood from Jebel Mari but the armed group stopped them on the way and raped his three relatives in front of his eyes and beat him with sticks and whips and threw him on the ground with a gun pointed to his head.
• Woman shot in leg in attempted rape in Mershing
Mershing (24 May 2011)
Gunmen belonging to local militias closely affiliated with the government chased six displaced women in the area of Mershing with the purpose of raping them. The incident occurred last Thursday as they were coming back from gathering wood. A witness told Radio Dabanga that the six women managed to flee after running away, despite being fired at, which led to the injury of one of the women on her leg. The displaced person also stated that such criminal acts are continuously being practiced throughout the areas of Mershing, Menawahi and Duma. Gunmen also sometimes confiscate donkey-carts. The local people complain that authorities do not take any steps to protect them.
• UN Human Rights Representative for Sudan Denied Access Security Chief
Agence France-Presse (June 8, 2011 [Khartoum])
[Osman Chande, the UN’s Independent Expert on Human Rights in Sudan] said he was "disappointed" to have his request to meet the national security chief turned down, for the second time in a row, after a similar request was blocked during his trip in March. Chande also complained of "strictly limited" humanitarian access to camps for those fleeing the violence in Darfur and expressed concern about continuing fighting between government forces and armed groups, especially in Jebel Marra, the region’s fertile central plateau. "IDPs (internally displaced persons) in Nyala… informed me that the newly displaced have not received aid, in the form of food, medical aid and shelter, since January," Chande said, adding that the "escalation of hostilities" in western Jebel Marra and in North Darfur was also affecting aid access. (emphasis added)
• Khor Abeche fire kills boy, destroys54 houses of refugees
KHOR ABECHE (14 June 2011)
A fire which broke out in a camp for displaced people in Khor Abeche on Saturday led to the death of a child named Fakhr Eldeen Ahmed Sinin, who was five years old. The fire also destroyed 54 houses. A sheikh from the camp said that the fire was ignited by cooking fuel and burnt all the properties of the families and left them without shelter. The sheikh called on humanitarian organizations to expeditiously offer relief and tents to the affected families so that the rain does not fall on them, since they are staying in the open due to lack of shelters.
• Police in plainclothes shoot man from camp near Geneina, Darfur
EL GENEINA (12 June 2011)
Armed men opened fire on a displaced person, Mohammed Adam, in front of his house in Abu Zar camp near the city of El Geneina. An eyewitness said that he and other witnesses recognized the shooters and that one of them was a policeman in civilian clothing. The witness recounted that the shooters knocked on the door of the victim and then shot him twice in his right leg after which he was taken to the hospital. The witness also added that they have reported the incident to the police but the police did not take any action and he considered what happened in the camp, along with similar incidents, to be a plot by the government to break down the camp by destabilizing the security and humanitarian situations.
• Food Reductions:
In another development, the World Food Program (WFP) has greatly decreased the rations of food distributed to the displaced people of Abu Zar Camp, the displaced people said. The IDPs had announced their refusal to receive relief via the Chamber of Commerce. A sheikh from the camp said that the last ration was only in the form of bread and wheat, excluding formerly distributed items such as oil, sugar, soap and a mixture of foods. He also stated that they knew of the intention of the WFP to hand the responsibility of distribution to a certain company by next month.
• Militiamen kill 16Zaghawa in N. Darfur after recovering looted livestock
Khartoum (June 11, 2011)
Militiamen loyal to the Sudanese government in Darfur last week executed 16people belonging to the Zaghawa ethnic group when they attempted to recover their stolen livestock, a rights group has said. Militiamen led by Ibrahim AbuDur, one of the pro-government militia leaders, on 1 June looted some 700 head of livestock from Zaghawa villages of Laminah, Terling, Hella Sheikh Khatir, and Abu Zeriga, near Shangil Tobaya in North Darfur.

A group of villagers who managed to trap the looters was arrested by theSudanese army and militiamen after recovering two hundred of the stolenlivestock and were on their way back to Laminah and Terling villages."Nineteen members of the group were arrested and taken to Um Kaja villagein Eastern Shangil Tobaya, roughly 2 kilometres away," reported theAfrican Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS).

• Measles infectionkills two children in camp near El Geneina
EL GENEINA (8 June 2011)
Measles infection led to the death of two children in the camp of Abuz near the city of El Geneina in West Darfur during the two days Sunday and Monday. Asheikh from the camp told Radio Dabanga that they are afraid that the very contagious disease would spread, especially in light of lack of any effort to prevent or contain the disease. He also stated that the ANC medical organization which is working in the camp announced that it has ended its work in the camp. The camp lacks any other medical organization. The sheikh said that they have held a meeting with the minister of health who informed them that the ministry does not have any medication for the disease.
• Zalingei hospital worker gunned down; militia kill man in camp attack
ZALINGEI (9 June 2011)
Gunmen from a government-linked militia in West Darfur attacked displaced people in two incidents, killing one person and wounding five others. One of the incidents constituted a direct assault on an IDP Camp. In one incident on Tuesday, a man named Mohammed Hussein Mohammed was walking from Hamidiya Camp to Zalingei Hospital in Al Jazaeer district, where he worked as a medical assistant. He was stopped by two armed men, according to the coordinator of camps around Zalingei. The gunmen shot him three times in the chest. He died instantly and the two gunmen fled to the west.

• Also in Zalingei, an armed militia which is thought to be affiliated with the government attacked Hassa Hissa camp for displaced people on Tuesday, killing the displaced person Mohammed Abakr and wounding five others. The coordinator of camps said that the gunmen came in seven cars but walked into the camps, where they were targeting the sheikh of the camps, Haroun Adam, and his secretary Zakaria Abu Kuay. The camps’ coordinator told Radio Dabanga that the displaced people repelled the attack using sticks, which led to the killing of Abakr and wounding of five other displaced people.

• Tens of Thousands flee violence from the air and on the ground
North Darfur (June 1, 2011)
The aerial bombardments, killings and rapes have caused a reported 140,000 people to flee for safety since mid-December. The fighting in December already caused 40,000 people to flee from their homes. Since January, an additional83, 000 newly arrived IDPs have been reported at Zamzam camp, and another 15,000in camps near Nyala, Tawila and Khor Abeche. Shortage in food, water and fuel increase humanitarian suffering in the camps, where there is a sharp increase in deaths among children and infants since April. The renewed fighting began after the Sudanese government severed ties with the Sudan Liberation Army rebel faction loyal to Minni Minawi (SLA-MM). The bombardments and fighting is mainly located in the area of east Jebel Marra. (emphasis added)
• Random gunfire at Hamadiya threatens children, injures man
Zalingei (May 29, 2011)
The displaced person Adam Musa Haron from block three of Hamadiya Camp received a gunshot injury on his back as a result of random shooting at the camp last Thursday evening. He was transferred by UNAMID to receive treatment in Zalingei Hospital. Meanwhile, a number of children survived when a few bullets fell near them. The coordinator of Zalingei camps accused the government militias of opening fire in the direction of the camps to frighten the displaced people who have decided to fight against the establishment of a new state with Zalingei being its capital. He called the continual gunfire part of the policy of forcing displaced people to leave their camps.

The coordinator claimed that the UNAMID envoy witnessed a shooting incident at the camp. IDPs in Zalingei last week informed the United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) that they plan to go out for peaceful protests in the People’s Square in the center of Zalingei to demand the downfall of the regime and a stop to the continuous killing which is happening in Darfur. The coordinator of camps told Radio Dabanga that the displaced people will send a memo to the UN Security Council regarding the necessity of bringing an end to the violations in Darfur and for the imposition of a no-fly zone and prohibition of weapon importations to Darfur. He also revealed that they have set a date for the protests after the completion of distribution of food rations in Al Salam Camp and Khamsa Dagaig Camp.

• Rains destroy 302shelters of IDPs in Garsila Camps
Garsila (May 28, 2011)
Heavy rains destroyed 302 houses for displaced people in the Garsila camps (Jeddah, Jeblein and Ardiba) in west Darfur on Wednesday. A sheikh from Jeddah Camp said that the situation of the displaced people has become terrible as they live in the open and urged the humanitarian organizations to work quickly to provide tents for them as soon as possible. In south Darfur, rain and winds destroyed a lot of properties in Kubum district, resulting in serious losses in the different parts of the area and damaging the crops of the people of the areas, as well as the uprooting of trees including mango trees.
• Severe water crisis east of El Daein
El Daein (29 May, 2011)
The area of Tiga El Tom, east of El Daein in South Darfur, has experienced a severe water crisis over the past two months. The situation is attributed to the continuous breakdown of the water pump in the area. The price of a bottle of water has reached two and a half pounds. A resident of the area told Radio Dabanga that the citizens stand in long line for hours starting from early in the morning near the pump and said that some of them return during the middle of the day without getting even a drop of water because of the repeated failure of the pump. The resident urged the government of South Darfur and humanitarian organizations to intervene to provide alternative lasting water sources to the area that is facing thirst.
• Rains destroy homes in Kalma Camp, aid blockade still in effect
KALMA CAMP (25 May 2011)
Heavy rainfall destroyed more than 100 homes of displaced people in blocks 6and 7 of Kalma camp in South Darfur on Monday. A sheikh from the camp told Radio Dabanga that the rains were heavy and rainwater was still running all over the camp, something which forewarned the spread of diseases. The sheikh also added that organizations are still prevented from working at the camp and called on the United Nations and humanitarian organizations to hurry to reach the camp to provide tents and other needs of the

• In another blow to the camp population, state authorities ordered a halt to the movement of transport buses between Kalma camp and Nyala town. The order came on Tuesday morning, according to a camp elder who voiced surprise at the stance of the government. He said the cancellation of the transport services would cut into earnings of the displaced people who go to Nyala to earn a living. Radio Dabanga tried to contact the government authorities for comments but could not

• Heavy rains, storms in Darfur affect displaced
Khor Abeche (25 May 2011)
Heavy rain falls on Sunday destroyed houses of more than 2000 displaced people in Khor Abeche who were gathered at the UNAMID camp in the area since the December 2010 attack on their area. A sheikh of the displaced people told Radio Dabanga that they have lost food and shelter and appealed to the UN and human rights organizations to expedite relief to those affected. Different areas in Darfur have been witnessing heavy rains; in north Darfur, two people were hit by lightning, Mara Idriss Ali Gardia who died and Hawa Abdulla Khatir who was injured. The lightning struck in the area of Dankarara north of Zamzam village near El Fasher on Sunday. Hawa was transferred to El Fasher Hospital for treatment. Dankarara and El Fasher also witnessed heavy rainfalls in recent days.
• Otash IDPs beg for help as diarrhea outbreak kills tens of children
Otash Camp (May 23, Radio Dabanga)
The displaced people of Otash IDP camp near Nyala in South Darfur launched a desperate call for help to the United Nations and humanitarian organizations working in the field of health to save the lives of thousands of children after diarrhea spread in the camp, taking the lives of hundreds. Residents did not know the cause of the diarrhea. A sheikh from the camp revealed that ten children die daily in three centers out of eleven centers in the camp infected by the diarrhea. A camp resident stated that a medical team from Nyala visited the camp and checked on the cases. The medical team promised to come back again but never fulfilled the promise. The sheikh also stated that the camp lacks any health center and that most of the displaced people are unable to go to Nyala hospital to treat their children due to the high costs.

He also stated that the appearance of the diarrhea coincided with the water crisis in the camp and that the disease infected children aged between two months to five years old. The United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) had announced in a media statement last week the spread of measles and meningitis in Otash camp and had described the situation in the camp as a "serious humanitarian crisis." Otash IDP Camp was exempted from the order last week that forbid aid workers from leaving Nyala.

• UN peacekeepers: "serious humanitarian crisis" in Darfur camp
OTASH CAMP (16 May 2011)
The United Nations peacekeepers yesterday reported "a serious humanitarian crisis in Otash internally displaced people (IDP) camp, near Nyala, South Darfur." The UN-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) in its daily press statement e- mailed to reporters stated that the crisis results from an outbreak of measles, meningitis and diarrhoea. The statement was unusually candid for an UN body operating in Darfur, since the agencies, OCHA and peacekeepers generally tightly self-censor any negative information about the humanitarian situation. According to the UN Mission, "International NGOs with clinics in the camp are reportedly running out of drugs to attend the affected population. The Mission has reported the issue to the Sudanese Ministry of Health." (emphasis added)
• Camp officials:25,000 unregistered IDPs at Zamzam
El Fasher (24 May 2011)
Activist and camp officials in Zamzam camp near El Fasher said that around25, 000 unregistered displaced persons have not received any food rations for four months, the period of their stay in the camp. These unregistered residents came from areas of North Darfur that witnessed violence earlier this year. In an interview with Radio Dabanga, the activists described the humanitarian situation of those displaced persons as terrible and confirmed that the newly displaced people have formed a committee and met with officials of aid organizations in El Fasher and the Humanitarian Aid Commission. All of these efforts were in vain.
• Village Near Shangil Tobaya Attacked
Shangil Tobaya (25 May 2011) A village two kilometers east of Shangil Tobaya in eastern Darfur was attacked and burned Sunday evening. Armed men on 16 camels attacked the village Um Dubai. They burnt the village and wounded the resident Mohammed Siddig. They robbed the people of the village of their cattle and possessions.
• Raid for camels by government-linked militias in Darfur
Hashaba (25 May 2011)
Militias closely affiliated to the government attacked the villages of Hashaba Donkey and Hashaba on Saturday and Sunday using Land Cruisers and camels. Theattackers killed Abdul Lateef Jido Mohammed Ali and wounded Mohammed Adam SalihKhatir in Hashaba and robbed 111 camels and more than 100 goats. One of the owners of the cattle told Radio Dabanga that the militias robbed 85 camels from Hashaba Donkey on Saturday and went to the village of Hashaba on Sunday and robbed 26 more camels and more 100 goats, adding that the militias headed towards the villages of Damra Guba and Um Siyala village near Shangil Tobaya attacked and burned by gunmen on camels.
• Burning of villages, families flee
El Fasher (17 May 2011)
Close to one hundred families fled from the area west of Shangil Tobaya and East Jebel Marra to the valleys and mountains, seeking refuge after local militias backed by government forces raided their villages. A witness told Radio Dabanga that the forces centered in Shangil Tobaya moved with more than20 cars backed by local militias on camel and horse backs and burnt down the villages of Abu Mara, Jurab Elray, Asilowa, Karko and Linda on Sunday. The witness also stated that most of those families headed towards Zamzam camp near El Fasher yesterday morning.
• UN reports Sudanair strikes on Darfur villages
Reuters, May 23, KHARTOUM
Sudan launched air strikes on villages in Darfur last week, international peacekeepers in the western region of Sudan said, adding that residents said more than 10 people were killed in the attacks. Violence in Darfur, scene of an insurgency pitting mostly non-Arab rebels against government troops backed by largely Arab militias, has fallen from its peak in 2003 and 2004 but a surge in attacks since December has forced tens of thousands to flee. A patrol from the United Nations-African Union peacekeeping mission (UNAMID) confirmed the attacks on May 18 on two villages in north Darfur, Um Rayi and Hashaba. According to residents, the attacks resulted in more than 10 deaths, the peacekeepers said in a statement, adding that the two villages were northeast of the town of El Fasher.
• UN says Sudan wages air strikes on Darfur villages
KHARTOUM, Sudan (Associated Press) May 17, 2011
An international peacekeeping mission says Sudan’s army has carried out airstrikes against two villages in the troubled western Darfur region. The U.N.-African Union peacekeepers say Sudanese forces carried out the strikes against the villages of Labado and Esheraya on Sunday. A statement from the peacekeeping mission says it’s deeply concerned by the attacks and that it is sending teams to the area to determine if there were any casualties. Sudan’s army denied waging any attacks. The daily al Sahafa newspaper on Tuesday quoted army spokesman Col. Saw army Khalid as saying that no fighting has taken place recently in the area.
• Sudan carries out another air strike in Darfur: UN
Reuters, May 18, 2011 (Khartoum)
Sudan has carried out another air strike on a village in Darfur, the international peacekeepers said on Wednesday, days after two other villages were hit in the troubled western region. A team of peacekeepers are trying to enter the area of Sukamir, a village in north Darfur where an air strike was reported on Tuesday afternoon, the United Nations-African Union peace keeping mission (UNAMID) said. "The team will attempt to collect information on possible casualties and newly displaced persons," it said in a statement. The incident comes days after the army carried out air strikes on two villages in south Darfur on Sunday….
• Peacekeepers denied access to airstrike locations
El Fasher (18 May, 2011) (Radio Dabanga)
UNAMID verification teams attempting to reach populations in the Labado and Esheraya regions of South Darfur, the site of recent air strikes, were not allowed access yesterday by Government forces. In its press statement yesterday, the UN Mission cited "security concerns, particularly as a result of armed movements operating in the areas." Radio Dabanga’s sources had reported 13killed in air strikes and 10 wounded. The dead were all civilians, and mourning family members initially refused to bury them until UNAMID teams arrived to verify their deaths in the air attacks.
• Darfur airstrikes: 13 dead, 10 wounded
South Darfur, 16 May, 2011 (Radio Dabanga)
Thirteen (13) citizens were killed and 10 people wounded in two consecutive airstrikes in South Darfur. An Antonov plane belonging to the Sudanese Army dropped bombs on the area of Asharaya in Yassin district of Darfur this Sunday morning leading to the death of 12. The second incident happened in the area ofLibdo [Labado], leading to the death of one. The first incident began when a citizen working as a registrar at a water pump drove from the water pump to his relatives in a Land Cruiser.

Witnesses to the incidents stated that the moment the registrar arrived, the Antonov plane bombed the car, which led to the immediate death of a child, a young boy and the wounding of the driver. All three were civilians. The car and surroundings caught fire as a result of the bombing and lead to the death of cattle that were around. Civilians rushed to the place of the incident to put out the fires and upon their return to their houses, the Antonov plane returned and bombed the area leading to the immediate death of 10people and the wounding of 8 others. A second incident happened in the area of Labado, South Darfur, where also an Antonov plane bombed two carts two kilometers away from the other air-strikes. The incident led to the death of one civilian: Faduli Abakr who was twenty-four years old

• Government order confines UN &humanitarian aid to Nyala
Nyala (18 May, 2011)
Representatives from non-governmental organizations, UNAMID and UN agencies were yesterday informed by the Sudan Government’s Humanitarian Aid Commission that the State of South Darfur would be immediately restricting all movement of humanitarian actors beyond a 15-kilometer radius of Nyala. Further, despite falling within the radius, the Kalma Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp has also been restricted. Flights to UNAMID team sites and movements to Otash IDP camp will not be affected. Ongoing military operations and security threats were cited as the reason for these latest restrictions, according to information the Commission gave to UNAMID. Meanwhile, UNAMID verification teams attempting to reach populations in the Labado and Esheraya regions of South Darfur, the site of recent air strikes, were not allowed access yesterday by Government forces.
• Sudan restricts movement of aid workers in Darfur, UN reports
UN News Service (17 May 2011)
Sudanese authorities have announced that they are immediately restricting the movement of humanitarian workers operating in the south of the war-torn Darfur region because of ongoing military operations and security threats, the United Nations reported today. The joint UN-African Union peacekeeping operation in Darfur (UNAMID) said the Sudanese Government’s Humanitarian Aid Commission informed the mission, other UN agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that all movement beyond a 15-kilometre radius of the South Darfur capital, Nyala, was prohibited.

The announcement comes two days after Sudanese armed forces launched air strikes against the South Darfur town of Labado and the village of Esheraya. UNAMID had planned to send a verification team to Labado and Esheraya to assess the impact on the ground, but Government forces did not allow access today, citing security concerns because of armed rebel movements operating in the area. Aid workers also face restrictions at the Kalma camp for internally displaced persons (IDPs), home to tens of thousands of people, even though it is located close to Nyala. But the Otash camp for IDPs is not affected by the new restrictions, UNAMID reported.

• The displaced people from Mershing Camp protest
MERSHING (16 May 2011)
The displaced people from Mershing Camp protested Friday against impunity of the Central Reserve Forces, known locally as "Abu Tira." The refugees say the militia are not investigated or prosecuted despite killing operations and threats practiced by them against the displaced of the area. The displaced people revealed that 4 people have been killed by the Abu Tira forces during the month and, through Radio Dabanga, demanded the UN and international community to take immediate procedures to offer them protection or transport them to a safe place.
• Attack on farmers in Yassin District, South Darfur
RIJEILA (16 May 2011)
An armed group killed three killed and captured four others in an attack it launched on farmers from the Bigo tribe in the area of Rijeila in Yassin district in South Darfur last Wednesday. A source said that the armed group opened fire at the farmers in the area when the farmers started preparing their farms for the rainy season, which led to the killing of three people and the capturing of four other before they were released when the government forces arrived to the scene.

The source said that the two sides had a fight over the ownership of the land which prompted the armed group to open fire on the people of Bigo.

• Women robbed of money, blankets near Kassab Camp
KASSAB (18 May, Radio Dabanga)
A group of militia gunmen robbed money and blankets and personal belongings from a group of women near Kassab Camp in Darfur. The women were robbed in the area of Jebel Mari near camp Kassab which lies near the city of Kutum in North Darfur. They were on their way from the markets of Wadi Niam and Berri to Camp Kassab. A sheikh from camp Kassab said that there are militias in the hills and valleys close to the camp. The militias prey on the people on the roads to the market.
• Four women narrowly escape rape inMershing, South Darfur
MERSHING (15 May 2011)
Four displaced women from Mershing in South Darfur managed to avoid being raped by four armed men on camel-back. The women escaped despite being shot at. An eyewitness said that the women went a kilometer north from Killa camp to gather wood and were attacked by gunmen belonging to a known local militia. The witness stated that the women fled, leaving behind four donkeys that were with them. The women did not stop despite being shot at and added that the authorities were informed of the incident but did not rush to do anything. The witness also said that rape and robbery are acts repeated regularly in the area.
• 13 children die in one week in Zamzam due to measles and diarrhea
ZAMZAM CAMP (5 May, 2011)
Officials responsible for children’s care in Zamzam A and Zamzam B informed UNICEF on Monday that the rate of death among children reached thirteen deaths per week in the past two weeks due to the spread of cases of measles and diarrhea among the newly displaced children. The death rate is especially high among those coming from Shangil Tobaya and Dar Elsalam. An activist from Zamzam camp told Radio Dabanga that the officials of the children’s network in the camp informed a delegate from the children’s protection department in UNICEF about the danger of the situation and the increase in mortality rates in children and also informed them about the lack of enough health centers and life-saving medicines. On the other hand, activists who are also parents appealed for their children to be taken to hospitals or nearest health centers once fever or abnormal symptoms start showing on their children. They also urged the World Health Organization and Sudanese Ministry of Health to move to face the dangers which surround the children in Zamzam Camp near El Fasher.
• Sudan army surrounds, threatens to burn down UNAMID camp
Shangil Tobaya (January 2011)
A Sudanese army force of 200 soldiers on 40 vehicles surrounded the exit of an UN-African Union military camp yesterday in Shangil Tobaya. A senior officer at the head of the force then threatened to burn down the military camp and an adjoining refugee camp. The threat came at about 6:00 p.m., after the UN forces unsuccessfully tried to prevent the army from threatening and arresting refugees at the neighboring camp. The army arrested three people in the camp."The SAF commander at the scene stated that they were carrying out their duties and intended to persuade the IDPs to return to their original camps. He then threatened to burn down the makeshift camp and UNAMID team site, if the peacekeepers continued to interfere," UNAMID reported in an e-mailed statement yesterday. The makeshift camp next to the UNAMID base sheltered thousands of people who had fled during the events of December 2010. UNAMID also reported that it was unable to complete a "verification mission" from its Shangil Tobaya base to Tabit, where fighting broke out Monday, due to "resumption of aerial bombardment in the area."

Eric Reeves has published extensively on Sudan, nationally and internationally, for more than a decade. He is author of A Long Day’s Dying: Critical Moments in the Darfur Genocide.

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