Government of South Sudan Launches Aid Strategy

Press Release

Juba, October 13, 2011 (SSNA) — The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MoFEP) officially launched the Aid Strategy of the Government of South Sudan at a workshop held at the Government Accountancy Training Centre, in the presence of other Government agencies and the international community.

Hon. Kosti Manibe Ngai, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning of the Republic of South Sudan provided the opening remarks while Hon. Mary Jervase Yak, Deputy Minister of Finance and Economic Planning presented the Aid Strategy Principles and Benchmarks. The Honourable Minister of Finance and Economic Planning noted that the new Aid Strategy represented the collective vision of the government in managing development assistance for the next five years. He stressed the importance of ensuring that the government ‘is in the driving seat’

The purpose of the Aid strategy is to provide a framework for the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and development partners to improve the effectiveness of development assistance and humanitarian aid delivery in South Sudan, by aligning funding to the government’s priorities. Aid Strategy is the principle on which development aid to South Sudan should be based, and it is the benchmarks for the aid delivery which will measure the extent to which aid is aligned with the government priorities. The government aims for development partners to increasingly support government systems over the next five years.

Development assistance to South Sudan should be government owned and led to ensure that aid promotes institutional development and aligned with government policies as set out in the South Sudan Development Plan and budget sector plans.

The workshop was attended by the diplomatic community and development partners who commended the Government for the Aid Strategy, noting their agreement with the principles set out in the presentation. Most specifically the development partners agreed that ownership of aid programmes by the Government was essential.


Contact: Abraham Akoi, Policy and Management Officer, Ministry of Finance & Economic Planning
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