Rebel group claims it has captured parts of the Upper Nile State and surrounded Malakal, vows to liberate people from ‘corruption’

For Immediate Release
SSDA Headquarters, Tonga, Upper Nile State
April 27, 2012

April 27, 2012 (SSNA) — The magnanimous forces of South Sudan Democratic Army (SSDA) launched Operation Ending Corruption and surrounded Malakal, the capital city of Upper Nile State and captured its surroundings. A force of SSDA, led by Maj. Gen. Ayuok Ugat and Maj. Gen. Yohannes Ukich, captured the entire Fashoda County and defeated five thousand SPLA forces. The SSDA forces attacked the forces of corruption at 7:00am and captured a lot of equipment. Two tanks of the forces of corruption were destroyed and five mounted pickup Toyota land cruisers were captured in good condition.

A battalion under the command of Maj. Gen. Yohannes Ukich (aka the scientist) managed to capture Wau Shilluk  and Bukieny, which is across the White Nile river and is opposite to Malakal international airport. The SSDA forces refused to attack the airport because they wanted civilians to get out first. The car of Fashoda Commissioner, othur Akosh, was captured along with the driver and two bodyguards. The Commissioner escaped to bushes and his whereabouts is unknown.

The SSDA forces called upon all UN personnel and NGOs to evacuate Malakal as soon as possible. The revolutionary forces issued a press release in January urging all the civilians, NGOs and UN personnel to leave the town but nobody heeded the warning. However, those inside Malakal town do not need to be advised now because they heard the sounds of AK-47 and artilleries when our forces were dislodging and chasing the forces of corruption.

The revolutionary forces would once again advise civilians in Bor and Bentiu to get out as soon as possible because our forces will soon liberate those towns. We strongly call upon the UN and NGOs to prioritize their safety and leave Bor, Malakal and Bentiu towns. Our forces are unstoppable because they have the support of the public. Many SPLA soldiers are joining our ranks and file in large numbers and the force defending corrupt elites in Juba is dwindling.

We also call upon SPLA forces to join the ranks and file of the revolutionary forces fighting to end corruption by toppling Salva Kiir the same way Malian Captain overthrew a corrupt president and installed a new president.

For contact:
SSDA Headquarters
Tonga, Upper Nile State
South Sudan
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