October 8th 10, 20013
Nuer Youth Union Statement on Congratulatory massages by Nuer Youth Union.
Juba, October 18, 2013 (SSNA) — Nuer Youth Union would like to congratulate the president of the Republic of South Sudan for the presidential decree pardoning Nuer Elders, who were held in detention for almost a year or two because of unjustified calashes in Upper Nile State during the process of integrations of their forces after they response to the presidential degree Pardoning all South Sudanese who rebelled against the government in 2011.
The pardoning Nuer Elders are:
1. Gabriel Gatwech Chan (Known by Name Gabriel Tang Ginya)
2. Gatwech Duel
3. Mabor Thol
4. Simon Gatwech Jock
In advance we also thank the president for also pardoning other South Sudanese Political members, our most Grateful goes to their families and entire Nuer Communities to welcome them and rejoin us in the Development of this Nation.
John Puol Chuol, President
The Nuer Youth Union-Juba
Dak Chuol Choap, Secretary of Information
The Nuer Youth Union-Juba
Phone: +211955122999/+211956437122
E-mail: [email protected]