By Dr. Peter Kopling
April 25, 2014 (SSNA) — The Juba government has been pulling wool over the eyes of its subjects the South Sudanese as well as the international communities but the US government in particular which tend to fall for the deceptions coming from Juba each times.It is thus very thinkable that the US did not see this conflict coming and if they did then they have led down the suffering people of South Sudan.
Partly it seems this is stemming from The White House’s shock due to the horror news coming out of their brainchild new nation and wanting to believe the baby they hatched, finding it hard it could commit such abominable atrocities.
The US find itself with the syndrome of a mother who will condemn vigorously a crime committed by someone else’s son but speaking only timidly when the very crime is committed by her very own son the very one that comes from her bosoms.
Thus it is no wonder so far the US has fallen for each of Juba’s lies and deceptions because of this Mother-Son Syndrome. When will she learn that this son has now turned criminal thus not all that he says and does must not be taken at face value?
We have learned today that the remaining four political detainees are pardoned for their alleged coup. They have been dragged through dirt, their lives threatened; family members murdered and humiliated and they endured a kangaroo court and the revelations in court carried no water.
Rather than the court ruling there is no evidence to say the four attempted coup, by default this will also imply Riek did not attempt coup, however in keeping with their signature politics of deceptions, they pulled the pardon card. What it really means in their twisted minds is, that yes it remained shield forever that there was a coup but the “generous peace-loving president pardoned these coup plotters.
This is a huge lie, It has been leaked that the court was prepared to rule, there was no evidence of coup produced during the trial if it where left to act independently. Kiir government have been informed of the Courts findings and their intended ruling, Instead of facing embarrassments, and appologizing to the nation for taking us in this path of bloodshed on false pretents,they instead pulled the Pardon card, by doing so, they have in essence still insist there was a coup but they have pardoned it.
What are the implications of these political move by Kiir? Well in essence now these are pardoned criminals rather than falsely accused and exonerated patriots Vs Kiir the benevolent peace lover.
Now these our great patriots are tainted as criminals simply for being Kiir’s political opponents, thus their political carriers are killed. What a shrewd dictator.
I hope here that the international bodies see that, this government trigger this war on false pretents and has caused the lives of our fellow citizens simply for trying to rid himself of political opponents.
The sad thing and the real tragedy for South Sudanese people is, this deceptions which should have received wide condemnations specially from our Mentor country the USA felt in tight lips among its politicians and the Whitehouse could have made a difference by telling Kiir as it is.
When the coup was announced the US came out hurriedly condemning what it called individuals trying to “take power by force,” instead blaming the victim of this con artist failing to see they have been lied to and consequently missed to see the problem was and still is one who is trying to remained in power indefinitely by force, and that tyranny is fully born in South Sudan.
It is and should be very evident that the Oppositions did not choose to fight but rather they were forced to fight for their lives and that of their tribesmen by extension the nation. This war was not made into ethnical by the oppositions but rather Kiir himself when he massacred Nuer women and children in Juba at the onset of this conflict but there was no outrage from the Whitehouse about this horror out of Juba, rather than a timid mentions of "atrocities from both sides".
The US was dubbed into these hurried judgments by again another lies told to them about Riek that he is a murderer and would come to massacre people in Juba if left unchecked thus it was the US, according Museveni’s version that asked Uganda to intervene in South Sudan to prevent revenge massacre but yet a massacre and a genocide of a People have been carried in the capital city at the doorsteps of the US embassy in Juba, in their erroneous preconceived ideas about Riek, they, the US protected a genocidal President Kiir and did not up to now come out with a strong language of condemnations about Juba massacre as we see of the languages being used concerning the alleged Bentui killings by the oppositions.
Again the Mother-Son Syndrome, what the son says is believed easily without hard questions only to be embarrassed later as the truth comes out but still remaining mute. The “others” Alleged crimes are condemned loudly while mute about the sons very same known crime leave alone alleged. This is where the Whitehouse find itself.
The Government of Kiir has to date made criminal moves and waged propaganda war of lies from the start of this war. They initiated political purging, took lives and caused loss of our fellow Citizens on the premises of lies.
The highlights below should bring to bare the modus operandi of this Kirr government. We got here; they took our country to the precipice because of:
The above are some of the few deceptive and criminal acts through which the Kiir government has been waging this war. They have lied in all of these cases, as the above points now are very evident. The oppositions first called them out on this and each an every single time the opposition turn to be correct.
Now consider the Bentiu Saga, Bentiu has fallen to the Rebels at onset of the war, the government took it back, then the Rebels came and took it over a matter of few months. Essentially Bor, Malakal and Bentiu have constantly been a war zone, changing hands to and from since the onset of this war not like Juba.
Even Juba where the war started, in the beginning most foreigners left Juba and even now not fully returned. Why is Bentiu very different, and now we are told was flourishing with foreigners although being a war zone with constant change of hands, we are now lead to believe that there were vibrant such large number of foreign civilians trading in Bentiu, trading to and with who if most locals are displaced and war ravaged?
Why is the world so ready to swallow the lies of Kiir yet again that these Darfurians killed in Bentiu are Civilians rather than the very same ones, the like of the Ugandan forces that have been fighting and killing the oppositions along side Kiir’s army all these times as the towns of Bor, Malakal Bentiu changes hands to and fro?
The war was looming for days and active fires went on more than two days, Civilians fled and to the UN camps, These Darfurians who claimed to have fled from war from Darfur would be the first to run to safety but the truth is they are there in combats and died in combat.
Today in the protest arranged by Darfurians in Juba, High government officials in the likes of Kuol Manyong, the Defence minister came to give condolence. Have we ever before heard a single condolence from Kiirs government to the communities massacre in Juba, Bor, Malakal as is to this purported Civilian Bentiu massacre? Something is fishy. Consider the timing of the release of the four detainee perfectly to ride this wave of success of public opinion against the oppositions, essentially the success of their lies, I can only see in close doors they are grinning and tossing to it!
How on earth does this young country learn the evil art so well and so very quickly?
This should be clear by now that those dead were SPLA North who died in the battle field in support of Kiir thus his hinge men came out to condemn this loud while remaining mute about the rest.
The UN and the world and the US in particular fell again for Kiir lies and came condemning the opposition loud and clear, the kind of voice and clarity we haven’t seen before, simply because what they heard and saw is in keeping with the view sold to them by the Kiir’s government about Riek Machar, confirming in their minds the very reason they asked Ugandan to join the slaughter, rather than restraining Kiir, again they the US government is by this selected outrage helping a known genocidal president Kiir in expense of his victims, the South Sudanese people.
When will they realize this horror is born by Kiir and will end with Kiir?
It is said you can fool some of the people some of the time however Kiir’s has succeeded to fool the international community all the times.
However as our African saying goes “You can f**t under the water, but it shall eventually come to the surface” the tragedy for our nation is the world has refused to see the bubbles of Kiir’s repeated large and loud farts in peril of his victims, we the people.
Dr Peter Kopling lives in the Republic of South Sudan. He can be reached at [email protected].