June 5, 2014 (SSNA) — Since last year December 2013 up to date Dr Nyaba, had been under house arrest where his passports and other valuables things/items have been taken by the people who don’t want the progress of the Republic of South Sudan. He was detained in his house in Juba and all the people who were having the case with him were released especially those of Comrade Pagan Amum, Majak De Agot, Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth, and etcetera. The question is what is wrong with Juba Government?
Well, according to what the author of this article research and evaluated from the government of Kiir Mayardit in Juba, there is lack of not doing the right thing in the right place. And there is also too much bureaucracy, tribalism, corruption and nepotism in the system of governance that have lead to stagnant of politics in South Sudan.
Who can tell what kind of government is in Juba? Is it the government of tyrants?
And if yes, what good mechanism can be put in place to restore back the dignity of South Sudanese? Absolutely speaking how can disable person like Dr Nyaba be denied his right of movement and expression in South Sudan? Is the world seeing the serious violation of the rights of people with disabilities in South Sudan going on? And if International Community and Regional bodies know about the disabilities right, why not them talking to the small dictator in Juba to release Dr Nyaba? Or there is interest behind the scene by all the groups? Was there agreement of giving Dr Nyaba has scarified by both the Government of Mayardit and SPLM in Opposition or eleven members who called themselves third block?
Basically, the issue of the Sudan People liberation Movement (SPLM) is not for Dr Nyaba alone rather was it personal or the game between the people with disabilities and so on? The author thinks it was for all the people that destroyed the people party to tribal organization that is govern in a very disorganize way.
Hence without wasting time, the government of United States of America especially Secretary of State John Kerry who always goes to Juba, should question Juba government of releasing most of the former detainees and leaving behind Dr Nyaba who always needs medical attention sometimes due to his leg problem. What motivated the detaining or arresting Nyaba and setting free some of the members who also had very serious crimes then Nyaba?
Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) should look for ways to airlift Nyaba from Juba to Addis-Ababa for safety as well. His being in Juba will not be good in the eye of most of the South Sudanese who are nationalists and patriotic.
The author is Independent Journalist who has written extensively on Issues of Democratization and Human Rights in South Sudan. He is reachable on [email protected].