Thiang Nuer Youth Association: “We want accountability for more than 20,000 Nuer civilians massacred by Salva Kiir’s militias”

Thiang Nuer Youth Association (T.N.Y.A)
Press Release

Subject: Accountability for more than 20,000 Nuer civilians massacred by Salva Kiir’s militias

August 7, 2014 (SSNA) — It has now become crystal clear that the regional and international Communities prefer just verbal condemnation of innocent people killings done and being carried out by Salva Kiir. There was no reason at all, for Salva Kiir who massacred South Sudanese in their thousands to be invited as if he is a LEGITIMATE President. He should not be allowed to land and attended US African Leaders Summit, recently ended in Washington. Because, the selective and auto genocides he ordered against the Nuer innocent civilians and other ethnicities in South Sudan are similar to that of 1994 in Rwanda, Nazi against the Jewish of Europe in 1937-1945, Stalinist purge of Peasant class of Kulaks in Ukraine in 1930s, the extermination during the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia from 1975-1979  etc.  The US government or Obama’s Administration should do at least something to reflect the true justice that Kiir had ordered serious human rights abuses.

Kiir’s presence in Washington summit was an insult to those over twenty thousand Nuer innocent or unarmed civilians he massacred. Four African countries whose Presidents weren’t invited to the summit are better than South Sudan’s Salva Kiir, in degree of serious Human rights abuses.

Unlike those four Leaders, Salva Kiir had massacred:

(a) More than 20, 000 Nuer civilians in cool blood, in Juba County alone, Dec 15- Dec 20s, 2013.
(b) Unregistered thousands Nuer civilians in Unity state’s Mayom, Koch, Mayiendit, Rubkoni, Leer, Panyijiar and Guit counties.
(c) Thousands, more in Upper Nile’s Renk, Ulang, Longechuk, Malakal and Nasir counties also in cool blood.
(d) Hundreds in Jonglei state, stamped by killing of over 300 innocent Nuer civilians in Bor UNMISS protection site as well as in Wau and currently in Maban. The killing of aid workers is a serious crime.

We have recorded all these inhumane atrocities committed by Salva Kiir (Serial Killer) against the Nuer people in front of the whole world. However, over the last seven months we couldn’t initiate revenge against and retaliated because:

SPLM/A’s Dr. Riek Machar even the International Community has been telling us not to retaliate or take revenge. Hoping, justice and accountability would have been done. The Leaderships’ seam of the SPLM/A (IO) and White Army, particularly around the case in question, is very clear. Our body can if need be exclusively decide and defend the same decision. We are now in the eighth month of the conflict. Where justice and accountability IGAD, AU, UN and International Community talk about is not seen?

The Thiang Nuer Youth Association or Nuer Youth in general would soon otherwise consider betraying such a long patience. We can see every step taken by global communities is increasingly result into a clear denial of Justice on more than 20, 000 Nuer civilians slaughtered by Salva Kiir’s militias. Therefore, the Thiang Nuer Youth Association (T.N.Y.A) in South Sudan would like to ask a question of as to what measure (s) the regional and international Communities are taking right now to see to it that these 20,000 or more innocent Nuer civilians killed in cool blood are accounted for. The gallant Nuer Youth body or White Army is capable to account the killer of Nuer civilians. Do these communities want us to take the law into our hands?

Manyun Guek Bilieu, Chairperson
Thiang Nuer Youth Association (T.N.Y.A)
 Jonglei State, South Sudan
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