Brig. General Gatwech Puoch Mar’s statement on his defection

Press release
10th April 2015

Re: Joining the SPLM-IO

Addis Ababa, April 10, 2015 (SSNA) — It is with great resolve and confidence that I am hereby declaring my intention to add my efforts to the people’s movement the SPLM/A-IO under the able leadership of Dr. Riek Machar Teny. This comes after a long time of trying to push for badly needed reforms from within the country. I realized that this is not leading anywhere.

Under the current dictatorial regime in Juba, the country is facing a catastrophic leadership paralysis. This regime no longer represents the interest of the vast majority of the people of South Sudan who are longing for an inclusive process to enhance good governance, democracy, equality, justice, accountability, transparency, freedom of speech and association and wider reforms on constitution, judicial, electoral, security, economic and land sectors.

I am appealing to the people of South Sudan to rise up and reject in totality a dictatorial Regime that has totally run out of ideas to meet the aspiration and the basic needs of the long suffering people of South Sudan. I appeal to you not to settle for a regime that has become morally bankrupt, desperate and visionless and willing to cling on to power at any cost.

The gross mismanagement of the affairs of the country of 64 Nationalities can [no] longer be carried out in the name of Dinka Nationality or in the name of Bhar el Ghezal Region by a few political and military elites and cronies linked to Salva kiir’s inner circle.

The current state of affairs in the country is shameful to any proud citizen of South Sudan and it must brought to an end by all means necessary.

The SPLM/A-IO is the best vehicle currently at the disposal of our people for which we can expeditiously arrive at a free and democratic country. Let us join hands in backing the people’s movement (SPLM/A-IO) so that we promptly establish a free Federal and Democratic Nation that respects and protects the rights of all its citizens regardless of their ethnicity, religion or gender.

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