Phow State Youth Union Congratulates Lt. Col. Johnson Kuol Gai, the newly appointed deputy Governor

Phow State Youth Union Congratulates Lt. Col. Johnson Kuol Gai, the newly appointed deputy Governor

Press release

Sub: Congratulatory Message

April 22, 2015 (SSNA) — The federal provisional council, executive body and entire membership of Phow State Youth Union (PSYU) would like to register its utmost happiness and appreciations to SPLM’s Chairman, Commander in Chief of the SPLA, Dr. Riek Machar Teny as well as to Phow State military Governor, Maj. Gen. Gabriel Duop Lam for having, recently & wisely, appointed Lt.Col. Johnson Kuol Gai Nyoab as federal Phow State military deputy Governor. This is a wise decision taken by the SPLM/A at the right time.

Phow State Youuth Union in particular and the whole state community in general is.

Therefore, reiterating its strong stand, as we ever since decided with all our souls to rally behind the Nation-wide Resistance Movement, the SPLM/A-IO under a competent leadership of Dr. Riek Macahr Teny Dhurgon.

Lt. Col. Johnson Kuol Gai is one the federal Phow state straightforward—brave sons ,true leaders who exactly deserves the position of deputy Governor, because he always stands by the people, especially in hard times like this.

Therefore, we in Phow Youths are hereby asking Lt. Col. Honorable Johnson Kuol to accept our sincere, thousands congratulations, so congratulation to you, your Excellency. Without doubt, , we are one hundred percent sure, that with you, Johnson Kuol in that position of Phow state deputy Governor, there will be no stone left unturned.

That is, finally, to say on the other hand; Phow State government under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Gabriel Duop Lam and Lt. Col. Johnson Kuol Gai Nyoab, will remains free of Salva Kiir’s criminal or genocidal acts.

Backward never, forward ever.

James Ruei Jal , Provisional Secretary
Phow State Youth Union (PSYU)

About PSYU

Phow State Youth Union (PSYU) is a consortium Youth Organization of the newly created Phow state in South Sudan; its provisional members are drawn from:

1. Thiang Youth Association (Fangak South)
2. Gawaar Youth Association (Ayod)
3. Lak Youth Association (Fangak Centre—North)
4. Padang Dinka Youth Association (Khorfulus)
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