SPLM-In Opposition in the United States to hold a ‘national convention’ next month

The SPLM National Convention
[23-24 May 2015]
Omaha, Nebraska

Press release

ATTN: All South Sudanese residing in the United States

United States, April 29, 2015 (SSNA) — The South Sudan People’s Movement (SPLM)-[In Opposition], under the leadership of Dr. Riek Machar Teny, chairman and Commander-in-Chief of the SPLM/A Forces, will host a national convention on 23-24 May 2015 in Omaha, Nebraska.

The SPLM has been the liberation movement that delivered our hard-fought independence, and it is currently fighting to bring change and a lasting peace to the people of South Sudan. Therefore, the SPLM Leadership calls on all South Sudanese in the United States to come and show their support. This event will also conclude the visitation of our dignitaries, the delegation led by Hon. Changson Lew Chang.

The SPLM Leadership and the committee for the convention would like to officially invite the following offices to attend the SPLM Convention on the 23-24 May 2015 in Omaha, Nebraska.

All chapter chairpersons and leadership of SPLM/A-USA;
SPLM/A Youth League and SPLM/A Women’s League;
Leadership of the grassroots communities, and;
The Office of the SSRRA;
Religious leaders

The invitation extends to all-South Sudanese communities at large; the committee urges all supporters of the resistance movement to attend–all are welcome! There will be great speeches and great music.


Santo Gabriel
Director of Information
SPLM Mission Office-USA

CC: Reath Muoch Tang, Bol Dey(AR), Gondar Timothy(MN), John Paulino(TX), Gai William(WA), Simon Puok Dak(IA), Achor Dhel Achor(SD), Chuol Buor Tang(ND), Makuil Wie(NE), Tor Gach(AK), Peter Gatkuoth Gak(CA), Julius Dima(MO), John Ruka(UT), Deng Kuol(ME), Wal Chuol(TN), Gideon Abraham(CO).

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