Chuol Buor Tang: “I am running for the Coordinator position of the SPLM/A-IO Chapters in the United States”

Date: Thursday, May 16, 2015
SPLM/SPLA, Representative, USA

Press release

Subject: Running for Coordinator office of the SPLM Chapters in the United States of America

North Dakota, May 18, 2015 (SSNA) — I would to like to announce to you my candidacy for Coordinator office of the SPLM Chapters in the United States of America, in order to connect our people back home and ourselves here in the US. We need somebody who could carry out the task of our movement; somebody who could listen to the people and expand our movement ideal to reach others. I, Chuol Buor Tang, from Maitwut County, Upper Nile State, would like to carry on this duty; to unite our people here in the United States and connect our people overseas, while working hand in hand with my Colleagues in SPLM/SPLA chapters all over the country.

We all know we are a strong, growing in force and power to be reckoned with in South Sudanese politics. This is evidenced by the fact that the Juba administration is not interested in negotiating a peace settlement directly with our movement.

We must take a firm stand all the way in the coming peace talks. The Juba regime is a sick administration ripe to collapse any time soon.  We must not be tricked into committing suicide or into laying down our instruments of freedom, army, by a contemptuous and dying regime just for the purpose of lengthening its own days or looking for employment in the blood of our people.

We are already at war to bring the federalism for everyone, and we are growing stronger every day. While sooner or later the Juba regime will go down, but nothing will ever defeat us if we unite together under one umbrella.

Let no one among us or among the enemy have the mistaken and opportunist’s view that these talks are the last chance of peace for our people. Let no one have the inaccurate view that if these talks collapse and fails, war will break out.

We are already at war for the last fifteen months. Our people are capable and ready to fight for another two to three years or more, if no satisfactory solution is found in our movement…

However, if you elected me to be your coordinator, I will make sure that we are connected in every corner of the World and support our movement.

Thank you all,

Chuol Buor Tang
Chairman of North Dakota SPLM/SPLA-IO Chapter
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