A Platoon of the SPLA’s Commandos unit joins REMNASA

(Office of the Secretary for Information & Document)
(29th May 2015)
Re: A platoon of the SPLA’s Commandos unit under captain Joseph Gambur Joint REMNASA
May 29, 2015 (SSNA) — Today on 29th May, 2015, a platoon under Captain Joseph Gambur from the South Sudan’s Army (SPLA)’s Commando Unit revolted and joined the ranks and structures of the Revolutionary Movement for National Salvation (REMNASA) under the democratic leadership of Lasuba Lodoru Won’go.

The Platoon had serious military confrontations for 45 minutes causing heavy losses on the SPLA forces based in Myka Military billet, in Western Equatoria State, before they retreated and joined the patriotic forces of REMNASA, stationed in Rimenze.

The Platoon of the SPLA’s special trained “Commandos” decided to join REMNASA due to manipulation of the SPLA by the corrupt, dictatorial and tribal regime of the SPLM, to serve the interests of the ruling elites of the SPLM than the interests of the Nation.

The SPLA is totally corrupted; hence promotions and deployments of the officers are not done on the bases of individual merits but on tribal bases, and the gigantic size of the army remains in miserable state – without basic social services for their welfare, as Salaries are not paid for months. Thus, any person with sense of his or her democratic rights, as well with spirit of patriotism will not enslave him or herself voluntarily in services of corrupt and tribal SPLA under the regime of SPLM; but to strive for meaningful changes of the systems – that starts with regime change.

We would like to state to the general public that, REMNASA is more than ready now to apply maximum military means to topple SPLM regime, and therefore, would like to beseech civilians – special those in Western Equatoria State – where the presence of our brilliant freedom fighters are at large, to remain in demilitarized zones, as well to refrain from boarding military mobility of the SPLA and their coalition forces.

Regime change is the only foreseen options in order restore democracy, good governance and rule of law, deliver social services and address the problems of tribalism and general insecurity in the Country under SPLM. Therefore, we are calling upon all South Sudanese from all works of life, to join us in struggle against the SPLM, and to dissolve SPLM’s reign of terror so as:

1)  To replace it by a national broad-base, multiparty system of government, agreed upon by all the political parties,

2)  To install and promote the culture of respects for human rights, and democracy, as well good governance and rule of law for the national benefits of all citizens and her aliens.


Col. John Sunday Martin;
Spokesman –REMNASA
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