South Sudan’s Peace Ambassador’s Speech on Hunger Strike

Saturday, August 15, 2015

I’m delighted to welcome all the Media Houses, Churches’ Leaders, Distinguish Guesses, Elders, Ladies and Gentlemen:

All protocols remain observed.

August 15, 2015 (SSNA) — First of all, I would like to congratulate and appreciate the IGAD, TROIKA, United Nations, African Union and China for the positive roles that they have been playing for trying to bring this conflict to an end. IGAD and its member states have been tirelessly contributing to bring peace through its Envoys. Thanks to Special Envoys for South Sudan – Ambassador Seyoum Mesfin and his colleagues in the office. 

As a Peace Ambassador, I sincerely regret to this end of the year for which South Sudanese leaders haven’t yet find a solution to this burning tragedy in their door. Our gathering today as community which is marked by Hunger Strike or fasting from 6am to 6pm aimed to raise awareness for the IGAD and the International Community to take serious measure on the warring factions and to pressurize them to halt fighting for immediate peace. We do this because our ‘hope’ is on IGAD-Plus Peace. War will not and never takes us anywhere instead will create more widows and orphans to our societies. Stop fighting and work for peace please!!

South Sudan’s problem is not anymore a south Sudanese’s problem alone, but it’s a crisis, which is already causing devastative destruction to the life of citizens and threatening the Regional Security. We must know that it’s a disaster that will even climb to other Countries if it’s not quickly resolved.  Therefore, the two principals (President Kiir and Dr. Machar) must do whatever it takes to bring peace back home to people of this youngest nation. Peace is very important for South Sudan, East Africa, Africa Continent and the World. Peace means development, growth and better future for the entire Human Family. 

Although it’s very clear that the IGAD and International Community have been so active to bring the crisis to an end, I would still urge them to push for sustainable peace so that women, children, youth and other vulnerable groups are safe from gunshot, brutal killing, castration, and burning, raping and other barbaric crimes against humanity. These would only stop if the World comes out clearly to save South Sudan from collapse.

I know the demands among parties are beyond measure, but I personally urge the warring factions’ leaders to give-up part of their demands for peace to prosper among the nation.

Moreover, I urge the South Sudanese who are in Abroad (Diaspora), the youth, and the Church Leaders to take no side and kindly work for change in order to restore our true culture of good hospitality among Africans and unite for one Country, one Nation under one Flag. I believe with help of International Community and unity among us, South Sudan will be soon a land of opportunities for youth and women to cultivate hope, transformation and democracy. The image of hope is very clear through the window, but the window to achieve that hope is getting more narrow and narrower.

To this end, I the Peace Ambassador and other friends such as IGAD, Churches/Mosques, and TROIKA who are crying for the betterment of the torn nation would make it clear that we all have to make a good move that must bring peace for better south Sudan. I appeal to the rest of the World to join us on finding ‘No Harm’ mechanism to end the crisis in South Sudan. Do not take side! Support nobody, but truth!

Undoubtedly, many hindrances are keeping us out from what we wanted to achieve. My dear fellow men and women, I persistently need every each of us to do whatever it takes to bring ever-lasting peace home. As a result, the mere remedy that has to be done is to break away through by putting many possibilities that entails advocating or praying because we [South Sudanese] have been hardly broken to pieces by this unjust civil war of our nation.

I urge all of us in general and leaders in particular to show our competence and skills that has to do with peace. It seems to be devastating that some parties are still prolonging this crisis; enough is enough my dear citizens.

Let’s not judge any messenger of peace that can help us to solve this problem because of her/his color or where she/he comes from, but let’s judge her/him bases on what he/she could offer to end this crisis. Our complexion doesn’t matter, but our experiences to solve problems matter a lot.

Last but not least. I salute and extend my greeting to all South Sudanese refugees and IDPs in the Camps. The World is for you. Do not lose hope…change and hopes are at your door to come.

Finally, I appeal to United States of America to maintain its position and keep her words to end this calamity by the 17 August 2015 as mentioned by President Obama during his visit to AU in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia otherwise to go ahead with its plan ‘B’.

Let this be a time for us to give a chance to permanent peace in our Country.

Thank for your time please!
God bless South Sudan!
God bless Africa!
God bless the World!

Peace Ambassador Gatwech Koak Nyuon

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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