South Sudan’s warring factions agreed on the SPLA-IO cantonment areas

President (left), VP Machar (right). Photo credit: AP
President (left), VP Machar (right). Photo credit: AP

Juba, May 27, 2016 (SSNA) — Factions of the ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) today agreed on areas where the armed opposition forces will be station in Equatorial and Bahr el Ghazal regions.

The two rival groups, SPLM-IO and SPLM-IG, today resolved the issue of designated areas for SPLA-IO’s troops at a council of ministers meeting.

The agreement is one of key parts of the August 2015 power-sharing deal.

However, it is not clear when forces of the armed opposition will start deploying to the agreed locations.

The South Sudan News Agency (SSNA) has learned that the issue of 28 states, which has been rejected by the SPLM/A-IO, JMEC, and the United Nations (UN), was not discussed.

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4 Comments. Leave new

  • Why they were not discussed all at one? This is a way of confusing IO to me, that later on, IG may not accept to resolve the 28 states issue , and the 28 issues is the one effecting a people of South Sudan a lot than cantonments areas because it can return people back to war for land groping issue taken by Dinka from the land owner.

  • Is not a matter of when they start assembling at designed place but the matter, is do they have agree to establish a cantonment sides in Equartoria and Bahr Gazel

  • It is procedural!!

  • Juma Irimba
    May 28, 2016 6:46 am

    It is unfair that, the government keeps on accepting what ever the rebels demand; for how many times; shall the IO continues to cheat the government by demanding what is not in the agreement; and hence, rejecting the 28 states ?
    This is completely unjust.


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